
by Cathy Baker

benefit from the faithful artists and influencers who came before us.
They did not live to see the change, but we live because of it. Be
faithful to plant. Release the growing to God. Open up the clenched
fists and let the seeds drop into the ground, let them burrow down deep
and do their secret work in the dark. Sacred shaping happens in the
waiting.” -Emily P. Freeman, A Million Little Ways

In the words of Sir Henry John Newbold, “Let us build for the
years we shall not see.”

benefit from the faithful artists and influencers who came before us.
They did not live to see the change, but we live because of it.

Quick! Who just came to mind? And more importantly, will someone recall our face if asked the same question years down the road? If this is to happen, we must be faithful to plant now. We’ll never be younger than we are today and thankfully, we’re never too old to influence others for the kingdom of God. 

Growing up, my dad enjoyed organic gardening. (And that was before the organic craze!) Having a box delivered from Burpee Seeds was like Christmas morning at our house. Tiny, round, oval, black, white, etc. Oh, the variety! 

Influential seeds are no different. There’s a plethora of ways to open our clinched fists (anything that holds us back from being authentic), allowing us to build for the years we shall not see. 

Four seeds in my pocket today:

  • Speak truth into the life of another. The world offers up many “yes” men and women. Influencers are willing to show their love by lovingly speaking truth based on Word, no matter how unpopular they may become as a result. Truth rules—and love leads—in the life of one who influences.
  • Pray. Too often I’ve heard myself say, “Wish I could do more to help but I’ll keep you in my prayers.” Really? What greater gift we can offer another? “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” James 5:15b. (Righteousness, powerful, effective = influential) 
  • Say no. Many of us grew up believing that if we weren’t saying “yes” to everything (especially in the church setting) we weren’t being faithful. Not true! How can we say yes to the best (God’s desires) if we’re unwilling to say no to the good things? Knowing our spiritual gifts and serving in that realm is a seed well planted. Of course, remaining sensitive to the Holy Spirit is key, as we never know when He’ll ask us to throw out a seed of a different variety.
  • Release! We can waste a lot of energy when trying to control the outcome of our planting efforts. Our responsibility is to plant and to allow the seed to do its sacred work in the dark. God will bring the growth in His timing and His ways. 

Do you have a seed in your pocket? Please release it in the comment box. 🙂 


 I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. 1 Corinthians 3:6

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