Eight years ago I linked arms with other word-lovers and began blogging. {I shared a snippet of how the journey began in this post.}
Today, however, I’m sharing four unexpected things I’ve learned since I began blogging:
The Time Required
Some of you blow me away with the speed in which you create a post. I stand in awe. I can count on one hand how often I’ve whipped up a post in less than an hour…or two. I usually don’t write it all in one sitting. My perfectionistic tendencies tend to hit the draft button multiple times, unfortunately. Suffice it to say, what I thought would be a quick way to express my thoughts has evolved into a love affair with the mingling of life and words. I wouldn’t change a thing.
There Are Clever and Creative Ways to Cut Prep Post Time
I wish I’d known this when I began blogging in 2008. Of course, I didn’t know social media whiz Edie Melson back then either. Today there’s a plethora of information waiting to be leveraged, some of which I’ll share at the end of this post. I’m trying to cut my prep time by setting a timer and rebuffing the bully within when it tells me everything must be perfect for it to be meaningful.
We Must Embrace the Learning Curves
My insecurities can sometimes send me scurrying like a squirrel trying to dodge headlights but gradually they’re disappearing, one by one. I’m learning how to operate my new camera, how to manipulate images, and create memes, among other things. All this, while spiffing up my SEO skills, has given me creative whiplash. But hugging these curves have helped me progress along this spectacular blogging journey!
Some of My Sweetest Friendships are Forged through Blogging
I knew when I began attending my local writer’s group (Cross N’ Pens) that my circle of friends had eternally shifted upwards but I wasn’t prepared for the friendships developed through blogging. Although miles divide most of us, the distance is shortened when we support and encourage each other through social media. The eternal circle continues to widen, grow, and deepen. And for this one fact alone I will always be grateful for the blogosphere.
What’s one unexpected thing you’ve learned since beginning your blogging journey? Please share in the comment section.
Additional Resources:
The Write Conversation
Fistbump Media (They switched my blog from Blogger to WordPress and continue as my support – amazing group!)
I’ve learned how kind, supportive and friendly other bloggers are.
I couldn’t agree more, Kim. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!