Piper’s First Parade

I’m a party-pooper when it comes to parades. Given the choice between watching the Macy’s parade or cleaning crusty breakfast dishes, I break out the rubber gloves.

Funny how a baby changes everything.

One casual mention of Piper attending her first parade and I’m in the car before Brian has the opportunity to pop another piece of puzzle in place. Our fold-out chairs are left in the dust, but we don’t care. After all, what’s two hours of standing when one is dodging missiles hard candy being flung from floating contraptions, or breathing in toxic fumes from “unique” cars when Piper is nearby?

Funny how a baby changes everything.

Two thousand years ago, another Baby changed everything. One day, He will lead a triumphal procession, one in which we’ll no longer be spectators, but participants—victors in Christ!

Funny how a Baby changes everything. Every day. Every moment.
Thank You, Jesus.

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