
Kyle Estepp continued our series on life practices we want to develop individually and corporately, with this week’s focus being on our own grace story. (2 Peter)

“Without Christ, we were all victims of a massive hijack and were being held hostage by our own sin and the power of Satan. The place of our
captivity was called “futile ways.” All was futile, the blowing up of bubbles that burst. Life may have been full of business and building, but it all signified nothing and would have ended in an eternal whimper. But Christ paid the ransom. He purchased our freedom by his own life.
As 1 Peter 2:24 says, “He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness.” And now nothing that we do in his name is futile, but it all has eternal significance.” –  John Piper

  • Conversion to Jesus Christ is not simply due to believing some facts but about a new person being born of the imperishable Word of the Gospel.
  • God makes eternal somethings from futile nothings.
  • Conversion doesn’t mean that we’re perfect but it does mean there will be a hunger for Christ. The more we taste of Him, the more we desire. Our appetites may wane during spiritual dry times but our thirst for Him prevails.
  • Our power to give a compassionate witness about Jesus to unbelievers will grow in direct proportion to how precious Jesus is to us.
  • Jesus gives us a new story. It’s only in the Gospel where our stories find their meaning.

Is our storytelling of the grace of a loving God? What’s the story we’re actually telling through our lives?

If you’d like to listen to the entire sermon, please visit Summit’s sermon archives here.

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