
Accountability Crushes Your Greatest Culprits

by Cathy Baker

Accountability is difficult, yet essential in living what Jesus refers to as the abundant, full life.(John 10:10)

The A-word can pop up in various ways but today, let’s talk personal accountability.

You may ask what this has to do with making over our mornings. Consider this…

“The lack of accountability is likely the biggest culprit for so many of our failed projects, bad habits, poor routines, and unmet goals.” 
-Crystal Paine, Making Over Your Mornings

Have you seen this truth come to fruition in your life? I’ve seen it more times than I’d like to admit, so how do we go about finding (and becoming) the right accountability partner?

  • Find someone of the same sex that you trust implicitly. When their words hurt—which they will at times if you have the right accountability partner—you can rest in knowing and trusting the heart from which the words flowed. Having this type of trust is a must. (As an accountability partner, we must always ask God to check our motives before speaking.)
  • Be clear about your goal(s) and specific steps you plan to take to reach those goals. 
  • Decide how you will communicate. Is shooting them a text enough or do you need a face-to-face commitment, or could you do both? 
  • Decide up front what you want them to do if you don’t contact them as specified. (I know, it’s hard to imagine, but…)
  • Be totally honest with your partner. After all, God is already aware of whatever it is you’re thinking, feeling, or experiencing. (Psalm 139)

I’m passionate about this subject because I’ve experienced the power of transparency in my own life. Spiritually and emotionally, I have three accountability partners. Tough questions are posed and let’s just say my answers aren’t always what my partner hoped for, or expected. Physically, I attend a weekly Weight Watchers meeting. Knowing that a scale, two amazing WW coaches (Marlon and Hillary!), and a room full of fellow participants await me every Friday makes me weigh my food and exercise choices more carefully. 

My mornings feel more orderly when I have accountability in place. Not perfect, mind you, but certainly more peaceful.

Is there a particular goal or habit you want to begin putting into practice? Find an accountability partner. Also be willing to become one. Hey, we all have goals, aspirations, and dreams! Let’s spur on one another in the power and grace of Jesus Christ!

How about you? Do you currently have an accountability partner? If so, how has this kind of accountability crushed your culprits in life? If not, are you considering finding one? (I’ll be praying for you!)

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:24-25

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