
The Beauty of Venturing Out to Unfamiliar Places This Fall

by Cathy Baker

Last week, we made our way up to the highlands of NC to Blowing Rock. Its downtown area is much like a village with charming boutiques and dangerously delicious ice cream shoppes lining the streets.

One of the loveliest perks in venturing out to new towns is meeting people you would never meet otherwise, like Sheri Furman, owner of Take Heart.

Sheri, along with her staff, go out of their way to make you feel right at home in their cozy cottage-like setting. Purple-planked walls, Scripture quotes on pillows, wooden canvases, etc. As the young ladies lovingly wrapped my purchases in lilac colored tissue paper, one of them smiled and shared how they’d also tucked in a bag of fresh lilac for my birthday. Yes, this is my kind of place.

Not just because of the boutique itself, which is lovely…



 or the white-planked floors and funky chandeliers…
but because of Sheri and the two young assistants who turned a simple walk-through of a store into a delightful experience. As we were leaving, one of the girls asked if we wanted her to take our picture on the bench outside their door. Although the exposure to sun worked against us, it’s still a picture we’ll treasure as it caught a moment in time that will always remind me the beauty of venturing to unfamiliar places.
Thank you, Sheri and staff! {Instagram: takeheart_nc}
Take a moment to consider an unfamiliar place, town, store, setting that you could visit this Fall. Stay alert to the blessings you discover along the way. I’d love to hear about your adventure!

Take Heart
1009 Main Street
Blowing Rock, NC 28605


My Idea of Adventure is Your Gain – Starbucks Card Giveaway!

by Cathy Baker

I want to be adventurous. I really do. 

I look at my friends and wish I could live vicariously through them but the truth is, my idea of adventure is trying a new latte flavor at Starbucks. Sad, I know.

Today I asked the Barista to create a short Toasted Graham Latte instead of my normal Skinny Vanilla Latte. I knew I was in trouble (Weight Watchers point-wise) when she swirled a bit of whip cream on top and sprinkled tiny bits of graham cracker on top, but I gulped it down took one for the team, and let me just say…it was worth every single point. Yum to the max, my friend! 

Fall is the perfect season for us to venture out — turning onto an unknown back road, taking up a new hobby, or going to a place we’ve always wanted to visit but haven’t. Or, for the more adventurous at heart, trying a new Fall flavor latte at Starbucks.  🙂

Now there’s no way I could tempt you with such a delight without offering an opportunity to win a cup of your own, so simply fill in the blank below via the comment section, and you’ll be signed up for a random drawing being held Wednesday, October 14th. 

(If you’re not a Google user and it shows as Anonymous, please FB message me or email me via the button on my side bar so I’ll have your address if you’re the winner!) 

Just one more way to love, love, love this spectacular season.

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