
5 Bloggers Who Are Sure to Inspire You

inspireTo inspire another is a beautiful thing.

And these five bloggers consistently bring it. Obviously they’re not alone when it comes to inspiring so watch for more bloggers to be highlighted here in the future.

But today, I’m delighted to introduce you to the first five bloggers brimming with inspiration:






Beth Saadati // Bittersweet: Because Sweet Still Follows Bitter…Even in Loss. This is a blog no mother ever wants to create. It’s vulnerable. It’s heart-wrenching, and yet quietly inspiring. You see, it’s a story focused on the aftermath of Beth’s 14 year old daughter, Jenna, who committed suicide three years ago. She speaks of loss, her words as heavy as her heart. But Beth’s story, above all, radiates great Light and insight for parents and teens.


Merissa // Little House Living – I admit she had me at the vintage Mason jar on her blog header. Frugal living tips, garden tours, and recipes from scratch soon followed and I was hooked. I hope to begin embracing my own simple kind of rhythm as we move forward in our plans to trek across town to the foothills.


Helene // Helene-In-Between – When Bloglovin’ pops up in my inbox, I’m scanning the list for this site. Boundless blogging tips for writers, and non-bloggers are sure to enjoy her travel posts. Beautiful pictures, timely tips, and fun giveaways will inspire you for days to come. {You’ll definitely want to follow her on Pinterest.}


Kenzie // Hello Neverland – Everything about Kenzie’s site inspires — the white space, the clean lines, the content. It’s all there and more. Some of the subjects covered on this site: Faith, Writing/Journaling, Intentional Living, Clean Living, Creativity, etc. Her recent book review on More: Find Your Personal Calling and Live Life to the Fullest Measure by Todd Wilson is excellent.



Joshua Becker // Becoming Minimalist – “Let’s be known for the lives we live. Not the things we buy.’ His words on this site, as well as his books, are simple, to the point, and a tad convicting. Okay, who am I kidding? For people like me, it’s more than a tad, but I need to receive it in bits so it’s not overwhelming. His latest book, The More of Less: Finding the Life You Want Under Everything You Own has arrived in my mailbox. Now to find it under all my half-packed boxes. 🙂



Have you visited any of the sites above? Do you have a favorite blogger who inspires you? I’d love to hear more! Who knows? They may end up on the next blog featuring inspiring bloggers. Please share in the comment section.


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5 Lifestyle Blogs That Change The Way I Do Life

by Cathy Baker @cathysbaker

I marvel at the ways the internet has changed the way we do life.

At the touch of our fingertips we locate new recipes, learn how to cover popcorn ceilings in creative ways, spiff up our blogs, and countless other things.

Lately, I’ve started setting aside time to peruse a variety of blogs via Bloglovin ← (which I love!) Today, I’m sharing a handful of sites that are sparking changes in my life, both in small and positive ways. I hope you’ll enjoy them as much as I do! They’re in no particular order.

Blog Thrifty Chick

Thrifty Decor Chick

Sarah shares simple, inexpensive ideas on decorating. Her ideas are easy on the eyes, as well as the budget.

Changing…how I tackle decorating. With Sarah’s creative penny pinching ideas, all things are possible. I’m hoping to use some of her Pinterest ideas in our next home.




The Nester

The Nester

With a mantra like, It Doesn’t Have To Be Perfect To Be Beautiful, how could you go wrong? Myquillyn Smith won me over with her book The Nesting Place and her blog never disappoints.

Changing…the way I see everything, not just my home. Imperfections hold their own kind of beauty.They’re to be embraced, not shunned⎯in our daily life, as well as our homes.




City Farm House

City Farmhouse

Inspiring DIY projects, decor ideas, and yummy recipes. {And it doesn’t hurt that she too has a big crush on buffalo checks.} She also uses a lot of white…my favorite color.

Changing…the way I spend my time. Her Project Gallery alone convinced me of the need for an allotted guilt-free perusing time. Check it out and you’ll see what I mean.


Chip and Joanna Gaines

Magnolia Market

Chip and Joanna Gaines. Enough said.

Changing…the way I view house projects with my own hubby. Instead of calling my hubby Bob Vila (because he has to touch everything he sees in antique stores) I will bite my tongue pause, and thank God for Brian’s sense of humor. Oh, what I would give for a Chip and Joanna makeover!




Modern Homesteading, A No Fluff Look at Rural Living for Newbies (for all my fellow chicken lovin’ friends!)

Victoria is the real deal. She lives in a 80+ year-old log cabin, in the boonies with chickens and blueberry bushes. She blogs for GRIT and Mother Earth News and is a huge proponent for essential oils and self-reliant living.

Changing…this full-fledged city girl into a, dare I say, country girl? Okay, so you won’t see me relying fully on the land (how far is the nearest Starbucks anyway?) but you might just catch me picking blueberries and feeding chickens.

So, there it is! My list of favorite lifestyle blogs. Which blog do you think you’ll visit first? If you have a favorite lifestyle blog, please share it with us! 

{If you like lists, stay tuned for more favorites in March! Hint: Blog/Photography, Foodies, Inspiring.}

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