
You’re Invited: An Easter Tea Celebration

by Cathy Baker

With Easter just around the corner, I thought this might be the perfect week to share some ideas for an Easter Tea Celebration! Although we have the privilege of celebrating our NEW life in Christ every day, I can’t imagine a better season to slow down, savor the depth of its meaning, and rejoice with others over a cup of tea.

It wasn’t until recently that I realized Christ never asked His followers to celebrate His birth. Instead, He asked or commanded His followers to celebrate His death.

“..And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave
it to them, saying, “This is my body which is given for you; do this in
remembrance of me. Likewise He also took the cup after supper, saying,
“This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is shed for you (Luke
22: 19-20).”

The Easter Tea doesn’t include elements of the Lord’s Supper, but Jesus is our focus. You won’t find the “Easter Bunny” on this guest list! The sweet aroma of Christ is sure to stir meaningful conversation and memories that won’t soon be forgotten. To God be the glory!

To view the Easter Tea Celebration, please click here.

Thanks so much for stopping by today. Would you consider taking just a moment to share one of your favorite Easter traditions or memories with us?

Creating Unforgettable God-Glorifying Gatherings

Every other Wednesday, you’ll be greeted with a NEW gathering idea. Most times, the focus will be on tea gatherings but I’ll be sure to include girlfriend gathering ideas along the way as well. On Wednesdays in between, you’ll find favorite recipes, along with thoughts and ideas on hospitality in general. 

Today, I’d like to begin by sharing some basic tips on planning a tea party, with our main focus on relationships rather than hosting the so-called perfect tea. Keep your gathering as simple as you’d like. Feel free to choose none, one, some, or all of the tips below! 

  • Prayer is to our gathering what a tablecloth is to a tea party—foundational. Everything else is built upon it. From the get-go of our preparations, let’s begin praying for those God would have us invite. We never know what God has up His divine sleeve! By immersing our time in prayer we provide an opportunity for an unforgettable God-glorifying gathering.
  • Invitations. Is there anything more inviting than a handwritten note? With the big picture in sight, any type of invite will work (yes, even a call, email or texting) but taking the time to write a note is pretty special these days.
  • Music. Choosing instrumental selections for background music is ideal. Piano, harp, Windham-Hill, etc. Play it lightly. If guests are having to raise their voices, even a tad, it’s too loud.
  • It’s nice to keep in mind that not all care for tea (gasp!) so we’ll want to offer an option such as coffee, hot cider, etc., based on the season.
  • Non-scented candles are always a must. Some, like myself, are allergic to strong aromas and trust me, the last thing we want is Frasier fir mixing with Earl Grey. 🙂
  • Greenery. If snipping from our yards, we’ll want to be sure to give it a quick spray in the kitchen sink to remove any pesticides or bugs that may want to crash our tea time. Nothing says Welcome! like a spider creeping over a cup.
  • And last, but not least, there’s the empty chair. Leaving one chair empty at our table is a tangible reminder to everyone that Christ is present and desires to fellowship with us. 

Do you have a tidbit or two you’d like to share? I welcome the opportunity to learn from you.

Questions? Feel free to leave it in the comment box area, email, or message me via Facebook. If I don’t have the answer, I’ll try to find it for you!

Why It Feels Like Christmas at the Baker’s House

Snow wasn’t falling and bells were not ringing, but it sure felt like Christmas at the Baker house last Friday afternoon when a box of the above arrived on our doorstep. 

I never expected my poetry to be published so you can imagine my delight and depth of gratitude to the One who made it possible.

The poem below is not mine, but one that’s also included in Enter the Gateway, by Torrid Publishing. (Congratulations, Jane!)

Re: Paul to Timothy
(2 Timothy 4:3-4)

Heeding truth is hard to do,
As the test of time makes clear;
Doctrine sounds, but very few
Listen to what they should hear. 
Myth is so appealing to
Those who want to scratch an ear;
When desire does itch anew,
Fools seek fools from far and near.

Author: Jane Blanchard

On This Halloween Night, Pray.

On this Halloween night, pray.

Seven years ago, I received a call from a woman in a class I was teaching at the time. She asked if she could stop by and talk for awhile. I didn’t know her but the heaviness of spirit she carried was obvious.

Sitting face to face, her tears fell hard, almost heaving, as she went on to share the origin of her weight for 30+ years. As a young child, her parents forced her to participate in Satanic rituals every Halloween night. Babies and children were sacrificed in deep basements—here, in our city. 

The more details she shared, the sicker I felt. An unspeakable oppression hovered. We moved to our front porch to catch clean air and fresh mercy. We prayed and she drove away. 

Although we’ve since lost touch, she wrote me several years ago sharing how she’d become active in her church, praising God for removing her night terrors and replacing them with the reality of freedom, grace, and mercy.

Needless to say, I will never view Halloween the same—and I hope I’m not alone. She was convinced that human sacrifices still take place every October 31st, and of course we know the enemy’s forces have not diminished — so now, I pray for the innocent on this night, and I ask you to join me.

“Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.” 1 John 4


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