
How God Created Hope Through A Gift Made of Wood

canstockphoto5566143It wasn’t the first time God has used a piece of wood to speak to me. Years ago, it was the story of His Son hanging on a tree, taking on all my sin, that gave me true hope for the first time in my life, resulting in eternal life. And an abundant one, too.

Part of the abundant life, I’m learning, is celebrating the small but creative ways God personally makes Himself known to us.

By now you know the unfolding story of our upcoming move, Lord willing, to the country. We believe He is leading us to a spacious {not in terms of square footage, but opportunities} place for His purposes and plans. For months, I’ve held fast to this⎯ to the point of purchasing rubber boots covered in chickens. Yes, chickens.

blogrobynBut we’re not the only couple on the move. About a month ago, Robyn, a sweet friend of mine, posted a picture of her holding a wooden cutout of our state on Facebook, revealing an upcoming move in their near future. I was encouraged by the picture. Thomas and Robyn’s smiling faces reflected their excitement and some of that enthusiasm naturally spilled over onto our story. I daydreamed about hanging our own SC cutout on a future wall, except our arrows would point upwards, towards the foothills of SC.

The following weekend was an especially discouraging one as the to-do’s seemed endless in this hundred-year-old house. For the first time, my steadfast chicken-clad boots slipped, and I felt despair trying its best to settle in and make itself at home.

Before daybreak on Monday, I asked God if He was still leading this move⎯that I was struggling to stay encouraged⎯almost to the point of questioning everything about it. Quite frankly, I asked Him to let me know in some way if we were still on the right track. {I have no problem asking my earthly dad if I need something so why would I hesitate to ask my heavenly Father, owner of the cattle on a thousand hills and keeper of every bird in the forest?} That quiet moment before daybreak wasn’t anything spiritually dynamic. It was simply a daughter asking her Daddy for an acknowledgment of His leading.

On Tuesday, the following day, Allison Martin, her two children, and sweet mom, Jane Green, drove over from Hickory NC for lunch. I’d not seen them since they attended our writer’s group years ago, or since Allison’s novel Finding Grace debuted in February. As soon as they pulled up in the nearby parking lot I walked over to greet them. We exchanged hugs while Allison continued pulling kiddo things out of the back of her vehicle. As she reached up to close the door she leaned over for one last thing. “Oh!” she said. “My husband handed this to me as we were leaving. He said to give it to my friend in SC.”  With that, she pulled out the loveliest handcrafted piece of art I’d ever seen. Her husband, Ryan, had used various colors and lengths of wood to piece together the shape of my state, South Carolina.

handcrafted SC wooden displayI was stunned, not remembering if I’d mentioned my desire to have one on Facebook after seeing Robyn’s picture. I asked Allison if she knew the story behind my wanting a SC cutout but neither she nor Jane knew what I was talking about. I could only smile.

At that moment I recognized the wooden gift exactly for what it was⎯a quiet, but creative, confidence booster from my Father. From His heart, through Ryan’s gifted hands and Allison’s willingness to deliver it, God spoke fresh hope into my heart with this gift made of wood, much like he did in 1989.

I’m not sure where you find yourself today but I want to encourage you by reminding us both that the ultimate source of all hope is found in the person of Jesus alone. And through Jesus, and His sacrifice, we have access to the Creator. Not a pie-in-the-sky kind of Creator but One who knows and meets our deepest needs, as well as our smallest ones.

Is there some way I can pray for you, or someone you know, who is in need of hope today? If so, please feel free to share in the comment section, or if it’s something you’d prefer not to post, that’s fine too. Simply fill out your contact information above under the tab “Contact”.

For all the animals of the forest are mine, and I own the cattle on a thousand hills. I know every bird on the mountains, and all the animals of the field are mine. Psalm 50:10,11



If you want to check out my chicken boots from Tractor Supply {thanks for the heads up, Melody Crawford!}…








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Three Books I’m Loving Right Now and Why

by Cathy Baker @cathysbaker

My name is Cathy Baker and I am a book snob. 

Okay, perhaps snob is a little harsh, but I am a bit of a  persnickety reader.

I admit I’m not an avid reader of fiction, and when I do read it, the pages turn slower. I prefer the feel of a book in my hands over the strain on my eyes reading my e-books, but I still have plenty of those as well. I prefer new books over used ones. They smell better. Is that bad? I tend to buy books based on covers and Amazon reviews. And finally, I prefer to purchase books instead of borrowing from the library only because I love to mark up my books. Fiction or non-fiction, we never know when an idea will spark, or when we’ll run across a new word we want to add to our ever-growing notebook of words. {Okay, maybe snob isn’t such a stretch after all.}

Finally, I refuse to read (or finish) anything that doesn’t hold my attention. Life’s too short. For this reason, and many more, I’m especially excited to share what I’m reading these days, mainly due to the first one.

Finding Grace, by Allison Green Martin

Allison and her uber-talented mom, Jane, attended our local writer’s group a few years back {when this book was in the works}. They drove from NC (an hour) to attend so their dedication to doing the work was never in doubt. I was excited to be a part of her critique group for this book and you can only imagine my surprise when I discovered my name in her acknowledgements section! {Thank you again, Allison!} We never know what blessings will come from being a part of a critique group. 🙂

Finding Grace, Allison’s debut novel, is one of those books you can’t put down, which is saying something from a sparse fiction reader. Her attention to details and the fluidity of the story is superb. You are sure to fall in love with “Grace”. I especially love the fact that the novel is set in Shady Grove, NC. Bravo, Allison!

The Simple Living Handbook…Discover the Joy of a De-Cluttered Life, by Loriless Lippincott

With a tremendous decluttering effort on the horizon, I couldn’t help but be intrigued by the book but it was the word “Simple” that initially caught my eye.

As a sentimental semi-hoarder {did I just admit that?} I found a few pointers especially convicting enlightening:
“You are not your stuff and your stuff does not define you. Your stuff is not your memories {Ouch!} Your stuff is not your friend–he or she may have been with you or given it to you, but your friend will not vanish as a person if you get rid of the stuffed poodle.” Nothing really new here, but it’s a good (and quick) read.

The Life Giving Home…Creating a Place of Belonging and Becoming, by Sally and Sarah Clarkson

Okay, so this one just arrived in the mail last week, but I had to include it. I may not be able to share what I’ve read or learned, but I can give you the reasoning behind this purchase.

I love this line on the back cover: Secrets to making home the place your family longs to be. At first glance, I felt it may not be a good fit since our kids are now grown with kids of their own, but our season in life doesn’t diminish my desire to make my loved ones feel loved.

This introvert has much to learn so I was delighted to stumble across this find, especially one with such rave reviews (5 stars). 🙂

Okay, your turn! What are you reading these days? Do you think you’ll try one or more of the above books?

And don’t forget….




If you’ve never tried Herbal Rose Tea, you’re in for a treat!
Imagine sipping tea in a rose garden. {No fancy gloves required!} Because this is one of my all-time favorite teas, I had to share a canister with you in this month’s giveaway.
To enter, simply leave a comment on today’s post sharing your favorite flavor of tea, or ways I can pray for you, or both.
{I’m assuming you’re a tea drinker if you’ve read this far.} Next
Wednesday, March 2, I’ll announce the winner of the random drawing done
via Random Name Picker.
For each comment you leave between now and next Monday’s post, I will
add your name to the list for drawing. Thank you and good luck!


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