
Sunday Snippets – Gospel Centered Friendships

The Gospel changes all our relationships.

  • Relationships are hard—they’re a mess, exhausting, and draining—but they’re also life-giving. So we don’t walk away.
  • The way we do life testifies that Jesus is Who He says He is. This is why we cannot say, “I’m done.”
  • One mark of a Gospel-centered friendship is that we’re willing to give our life away. We’re able to do this once we’re fully convinced of God’s love and acceptance for us. This kind of confidence frees us to love others unconditionally.

Brothers and sisters, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Galatians 6:1

  • Who are the spiritual? We are. Every person in whom the Holy Spirit dwells—Christ followers. A Gospel-centered friend neither enjoys confrontation or avoids it.
  • The legalist says to one in sin: “I will never understand how you…” The Gospel-centered friend realizes the same potential for sin exists within him/her and says “I’ll get involved.”
  • We can be available to bear burdens of our friends because we know there is a true and better Friend who bore the ultimate burden of sin and death for us.

Two questions:

Do we have these types of friends?

Am I being that kind of friend?

– Notes taken from today’s sermon at Summit Church Upstate, given by Jason Malone. To listen to the sermon in its entirety, please click here. 

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