Here, Kitty Kitty
At times, my stray yard cat, affectionately known as “Oreo”, is a lot of fun to watch as she plays beside me while working in the yard. And yet, at other times, she’s reminds me of why I could never be a farmer. I simply don’t have the heart for it.
There was the time not so long ago when Oreo pounced on one of the birds I had just fed. As a result, I increased her feeding of Kit & Kaboodle, thinking that would help to decrease her appetite for Robin the bird. That didn’t happen. I have to constantly remind myself that God precisely engineered every creature to do certain things that I may never understand.
Like today. While walking back from the mailbox this afternoon, I noticed a small black bundle lying underneath one of my shrubs. Now, approaching “unknown” animals is not my forte. Just ask my family. I’m the one who called to a rabid fox in the woods, “Here, kitty kitty!” (Yes, I was raised in the city) It wasn’t until the light shone on its pointed red ears that I figured out it was no kitty kitty.
Today, I slowly approached the black bundle and immediately recognized it as a kitten — one that looked just like Oreo. Cute as could be! But she wasn’t afraid of me (first warning sign) and her meow was faint (another bad sign). I called Oreo over, but she would have nothing to do with the kitten. I was a little miffed with ‘ol Oreo to tell you the truth. After a few more failed attempts, I took the advice of my vet and carried the kitten to be put to sleep. Something was obviously very wrong with her and I couldn’t leave her to suffer and die.
As it turns out, the kitten was between 8-10 weeks old, her back was broken, and her bladder was enlarged and unable to urinate. While waiting to sign the papers, a cute little girl holding her puppy asked me what was wrong with the kitten. I told her she was sick and immediately the little girl’s face lit up. She said “That kitty was lucky that you came along to bring her to the doctor.” She thought the vet would put a Band aid on the boo-boo and we’d be on our way. Of course, I didn’t explain that she wouldn’t be coming home with me.
Dr. Patricia Hill and Dr. Cynthia Wheat of Hillcrest Animal Hospital are simply wonderful. We have appreciated their expertise with Rupert over the years and now I have a newfound appreciation for them. They didn’t want to see the kitten suffer, and since she was a stray, they put her to sleep at no charge. If you’re in the market for a great vet, I’d encourage you to give them a try.