One Question Changes Everything
What does God want me to know or learn through this situation?
When Carole, a godly woman in our life group, shared how she often asks herself this question, it was obvious why wisdom follows her wherever she goes. This one question befriended her through the untimely death of her husband a few years ago and a host of everyday situations since.
It’s a simple but profound question grounded in two truths:
- God wants us to know Him and His ways. (John 17:3) It’s proclaimed throughout scripture and most vividly seen through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Because of Him, we can enjoy a relationship with our heavenly Father.
- There is purpose in all things. (Romans 8:28) We won’t always understand situations but knowing that God allowed it to sift through His loving hands for our good and for His glory brings unspeakable comfort and peace.
When we ask God the question What would You have me to know or learn through this situation? we are revealing that our feet are firmly planted in truth, our heart is bent towards His, and that our arms are lifted high in praise, confident that our heavenly Father will not only answer but will do so generously.
Go ahead. Ask—and then wait and watch expectantly! (James 1:6)