I mean, how hard could it be to install a metal roof?
We were convinced it wouldn’t be that hard⏤even with a roof that points to the sky like an arrow. Brian calls it a 14/12 pitch. I call it crazy steep.
Over the last several weeks, we’d framed, lifted beefy plywood via sheer willpower, and purchased more nails than groceries. Laying galvanized metal on top of twelve weeks of work felt like tucking a toddler into bed. The exhaustion was behind us, and now all we wanted to do was have a little fun.
But the roof cap was a party pooper.
This eighteen-foot-long piece of metal shaped like a pop-up tent was the last piece to apply to the roof and the toughest. Brian tried traipsing up the slick metal with the supposed “right” shoes but they turned out to be all wrong. We needed a professional.
But he wasn’t the friend.
That would be Shana. She is the person who “happened” to mention how she’d just had metal roof work done on her barn. I’d never seen Brian jot down information as fast as I did that Sunday morning.
But here’s the best part.
One issue stood between us and sanity: convincing this busy roofer to take time to do our small job. So when he called saying he could fit us in the following Friday afternoon we were surprised. Turns out, the roofer had Shana down for that time to finish up her barn.
But she gave up her slot for us.
What made her sacrifice even more special was that we’ve only known Shana for a short period of time. Something like this might be expected from a seasoned friend, but for someone to do it simply because she knew we had a need made it feel like a hug from above. It’s true, isn’t it?
Sacrifice is at the heart of friendship.
I fail miserably at sacrificing for others more often than I’d like to admit, but I’m thankful God never disappoints. He gave up⏤sacrificed⏤His Son so that we could experience the joy of being in relationship with Him for an eternity (beginning now!) and Jesus laid His life low so that we, in turn, could be lifted to this new life.
No friendship compares to the friend we have in Jesus. No one loves us as He does⏤no one possibly could.
Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13
“We measure the love and friendship of Jesus by the price he paid for us.” -John Piper
Funny how hurricanes force you to re-think everything.
We were one sheet of underlayment away from having the base of the roof covered before we left for our beach vacation. Apparently, Hurricane Florence decided to follow us home. Before we knew it, forecasters were predicting sustained winds up to 50 mph and possibly 12″ of rain. This could be the first test of the Tiny House on the Hill’s survival despite the fact that summer storms march over these mountains like soldiers going off to battle. The wind, the rain, the wind.
Thankfully, Brian secured her to the ground with these bad boys early on in the process. We felt she’d stay put, but with the potential for tropical downpours, it was vital to find a way to protect the interior of the house. Although empty, we prefer she stay dry for obvious reasons.
A few of the tarp grommets popped off during a recent storm so our confidence was waning. Let’s just say it didn’t take long for Brian to work his magic, aka, head to Lowes.
He purchased four overly-sized straps and a sturdy rachet system. Two straps hooked together created one large enough to wrap around the entire house. We buckled her down at the front of the house, as well as the back. Finally, a thick sheet of plywood was bolted over the door opening.
No, it wasn’t her prettiest moment, but it certainly was her most secure.
While we had no control over Florence’s path or destruction, we rested in knowing we’d done everything possible to secure her well. Thankfully, Florence skirted around us, but our hearts broke for those who faced her head on.
Pre-hurricane sky with no filter.
The broken, but well-braced tiny house, reminds me of us.
None being whole, perfect, or complete. Missing pieces in the form of loss, feeling invisible, waiting, or the gaping hole within us that longs to know or draw closer to God.
Being a Christ-follower doesn’t always protect us from diseases, accidents, or hurricanes. Few people explain this better than John Piper but suffice it to say, when our spiritual positioning is under the umbrella of Christ, we can know that He covers and protects us in such a way that we can find rest during any storm this life may bring.
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1 NIV
God covers it all.
Is there some way I can pray for you today? Nothing is too small. If you prefer not to share your request in the comments section, feel free to email me via the envelope icon in my sidebar. I count it a privilege.
Thanks for stopping by the Tiny House on the Hill!
I love quotes. And they love me. Pithy, thought-provoking…it’s all there. So in the midst of this blazing summer heat, I thought I’d offer refreshment in the form of a fistful of favorites. In addition, you’ll find a quick sip of thoughts. As you read the following five quotes, is there one in particular that resonates with you?
So how do we fuel the curiosity within us? One way is through play. Who says adults have outgrown a playground or that our playground must consist of a slide and a swing? I admit that I’ve not always been good at playing as an adult. In fact, I’m still working on it. But playing, whether it’s through a sports activity, dancing free-form when no one can see you {cue 70’s music}, or simply daydreaming, it empowers us to be creative, free-thinkers, and more flexible.
Self-doubt is a danger to creativity. But more importantly, it’s a danger to our souls. Our testimonies. Our calling. When I began attending the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writer’s Conference I found my validation as a writer in receiving awards. I’d never won anything as an adult. So each time I heard my name called and the roar of applause that followed, I felt a little more like a “real” writer. I know now that my worth — as a wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, friend, and writer, must be grounded only in the person of Jesus Christ. He alone is where we find our confidence. When we rest in this truth, self-doubt quietly slithers away.
Oh boy! I’m still not sure what to think about this quote but I couldn’t exclude it. It was just too darn intriguing. Maybe it’s the term ‘stealing’ that leaves me unsettled. Edie Melson and Vonda Skelton, who led our writer’s group for years, often reminded us that there is nothing new under the sun. I don’t know about you, but that’s a relief. I used to beat myself up because I couldn’t think of something to write about that no one else had already written. Now I know that my inspiration and perspective are unique…and so are yours. I pray the Lord will open our spiritual eyes as we anticipate fresh insight from Him, even on the most hum-drum of days.
Don’t you find this to be true? I learned this while participating in the 31 Days Blog Challenge a couple of years ago. The challenge? Choose a theme and dedicate 31 consecutive days {October} to blogging on that subject. I thought for sure I’d run out of ideas within the first three days. What I discovered, however, was quite the opposite. Creativity was at every turn! Thoughts came quicker and from unexpected places.
My heart’s desire: to take what God has made and shape it and use it to make Him look great. For He is worthy! How about you?
Now it’s your turn! Was there a quote or thought you especially resonated with today? Please share. I’d love to know.
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Notice anything different? Hope so! I’ve made some changes to this place I’ve called home since 2008.
Back then, I began blogging at the prompting of Rich Butler, a friend, and fellow co-staffer at the time. Each week as a church staff we came together to design, if you will, our weekly services. It was my favorite hour of the week. To experience God bringing to life those creative ideas for His glory felt much like Eric Liddell must have felt when he said:
I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast. And when I run I feel His pleasure.
Bringing creative elements into the telling of the Gospel has always felt natural to me. After all, the Bible is crammed full of examples of how God uses our senses to reveal more of Himself to us.
Psalm 34:8 – Taste and see that the LORD is good!
Proverbs 20:12 – The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, God has made them both.
Matthew 8:3 – And Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him, saying, “I will; be clean.” And immediately his leprosy was cleansed.
Genesis 8:21 – And when the Lord smelled the pleasing aroma, the Lord said in his heart, “I will never again curse the ground because of man, for the intention of man’s heart is evil from his youth. Neither will I ever again strike down every living creature as I have done.
There are numerous accounts in the Gospel of Jesus using tangible “takeaways” when He taught. He was the Master of metaphors and multi-sensory teaching. The Tabernacle, Passover, The Lord’s Supper…the list goes on. Jesus knew the power of our senses {as our Creator} and He harnessed them all for the Father’s glory. And this is my desire as well.
You see, earlier this year, I sensed God nudging me to become more intentional with this little corner of mine. I prayed, I watched, and I expected. I soon realized that since becoming a student of the Word years ago, I’ve gravitated towards adding a creative element to the studies I lead, to the gifts I give, and often to the gatherings I create. That was it!
I could learn and share how to cultivate creativity in every day life, reflecting more and more of His image in the process.
From there, Fistbump Media {Dan King and Susan Stilwell} hopped on board, using their own creative gifts and talents to make this site feel more like home — a place where we can come together as a community of believers, bloggers, and whomever else God decides to bring.
My hope is that you will find this to be a place of encouragement and inspiration as we seek to cultivate creativity through our home and families, writing, meaningful gatherings, and our stories of faith…all to the glory of our Creator and King.
For a more detailed look at the “why” behind this intentional move towards creativity, visit my About Page here, or click the tab at the top of the page.
Beginning next week, I’ll post once a week and believe me when I say…you don’t want to miss next week. God revealed Himself in a subtle but meaningful way a few weeks ago. I can’t wait to share. Until then, thank you for stopping by today. I don’t take you or your time for granted. You are a blessing!
If you like what you’re reading, you can subscribe today in the right-hand margin. My weekly posts will be delivered to your inbox. Also, feel free to share with a friend! Thank you. 🙂
I’ve become a bit jaded when it comes to buying devotion books. There, I said it.
I’m weary of girly-fluff and feel good remedies. Give me Truth and if you must add a human perspective, bring it fresh and creatively, like Jon Bloom’s Not By Sight…A Fresh Look At Old Stories Of Walking By Faith. Jon is co-founder and president of Desiring God, and apparently, a very gifted storyteller:
“These meditations are not your ordinary exposition. These are stories. Really good stories.” -John Piper
“Creatively and winsomely invites us into the realities of the Gospel accounts—to hear, feel, see, smell, and taste.” -Nancy Guthrie
“Vivid, nourishing sketches of Bible characters learning to live with their sometimes startling Lord.” -J.I. Packer
This book does not disappoint. Prepare to catch story-driven glimpses of what it means to walk by faith.
“When the storms of life hit, they almost always appear
stronger to us than God’s Word. It is crucial for us to remember that
our perceptions can be deceptive. When circumstances strike fear into
our hearts, the question we must ask ourselves is, where is your faith?”
(p. 25).
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