
A Storyboard for Inspiration!

In addition to being part of my local Word Weavers group, I’m extremely blessed to be one of the “4 Corners” in a small writer’s accountability/critique group.

Carolyn, one of the three amazing “corners”, challenged us to create our own storyboards (or purpose boards) as a visible tool for inspiration.

My storyboard actually begins at the bottom, to illustrate foundational truths for my writing. First, an image of the woman at Jesus’ feet, to always remind me where my journey began. It’s also foundational for me to keep my “spiritual tank” full. How can I share it from an empty one?

The picture of the waiting room reminds me that there is a purpose in the waiting. And, I must be patient and willing to wait for God’s timing.

Mid-way up the poster, I have pictures of pure inspiration that include places we’ve visited (Lake Lure, Carl Sandburg’s home, Thomas Wolfe’s home, etc), pictures of flowers from our garden, my grandmother’s house, and a picture of a sower sowing seed smack dab in the center of the poster to remind me that everything is written to be done so with the mindset of sowing God’s seed and bringing Him alone glory.

At the top, you’ll find pictures of what I pray the result of my writing to be, beginning with an act of worship. Also, that my writing will have a divine ripple effect much like a pebble being tossed into the water. One quote completes the board: “Write so that heaven is different.” – Lee Roddy. Thankfully, the results are all in God’s hands and out of mine.

I feel incredibly blessed to share my little corner of the world with such amazing women like Carolyn, Cynthia, and Beth. Thank you, friends!

So, how could you use a storyboard to get those creative juices flowing?


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