
Coming Face to Face with My Addiction to Sugar

The word addiction seems so harsh.

And yet, when everyone else flooded grocery stores in March to stock their freezer with chicken, I was in the Chick-fil-A drive-through stocking up on ice cream. Their styrofoam cups supposedly keep the ice cream fresh in the freezer for weeks. Unfortunately, I can’t prove it.


I would say that defines addiction.


Weight has been an issue for years. Some were more successful than others, as shared in my post How to Lose 14 Pounds in 8 Weeks with Weight Watchers⏤but most years have been a struggle. A thyroid issue since the age of twelve makes success harder, but not impossible.

When Lysa TerKeurst’s book, Made to Crave: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not Food was released in 2010, I ignored it.


I wanted to find my satisfaction in God, but not to the point of choosing prayer over pastries.


The simple act of writing those words breaks my heart but it’s what God is showing me.

All summer I played hide-and-seek with my sweet cravings. I hid the fact that my struggle was much deeper than the freezer holding my ice cream. I sought God’s help, then caved to the first scent of sugar, then asked God to forgive me for my lack of self-discipline. Rinse and repeat. It’s an exhausting cycle.

So ten years after the published date, I bought the book Made to Crave and began reading. I only made it as far as the introduction before I scurried down the hall to fetch a bright yellow notebook. (Reminding me that brighter days are ahead!) Lysa’s reflective questions are worth their own space. They slip in the “back door”, tip-toe past the fridge, and lift my chin heavenwardly.

One of many WOW! moments underlined in my book:


“We can’t ignore the fact that the serpent used food as a tool in the process.” The process of the human downfall, that is.


Later, she adds, after sharing about Jesus being tempted in the desert, “Here’s the significant difference between Eve and Jesus. Eve was saturated in the object of her desire. Jesus was saturated in God’s truth.”


I could no longer run away from or ignore the truth: this was a spiritual struggle.


And I admit to debating whether or not I should write this post yet. I mean, I’m only in the third chapter of the book. What if I fall flat on my face? Or fail? Or what if the victory is short-lived?


Yes, but what if a spiritual breakthrough is just around the corner?


Either way, I want you, or someone you know, who may also be struggling with this addiction, to know they are not alone.

The desire for sugar is not whipped by any means, but my desire to crave God more than a cupcake is decided. Does this mean I’ll never wipe buttercream frosting off my nose after diving in too deep? It doesn’t. Lysa’s book is written from her journey in cutting out all sugar. And while that’s ideal, I’m confident our victory⏤mine and God’s⏤at least for now, is my cutting back to one small sweet a day.


Is there a food that whispers sweet nothings in your ear? Can you relate? If I’m not alone, lemme know. 💕


Made to Crave: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not Food. (By purchasing the book through this link, I’ll receive some pocket change to put toward the cost of my ministry, but it does not affect your purchase price.)

{Lysa TerKeurst}

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© Can Stock Photo / stryjek

Say “Yes!” to God

Ann Voskamp

Lysa TerKeurst

At 8:00 p.m. tonight I’m saying “no” to:

  • T.V
  • Facebook
  • Fluffing the spoiled dog
  • Editing the Christmas e-book
  • Reading the latest issue of The Writer’s Chronicle

…so that I can say “Yes to God” by joining Lysa TerKeurst and Ann Voskamp (author of One Thousand Gifts!) for their combined Webcast on the subject of what it means to say “Yes!” to God.

Lysa will be speaking on external obedience and the 5 questions to ask yourself when you think God might be speaking to you. Ann’s message will be about internal obedience and positioning your heart to experience God. Then they’ll come together to answer questions sent in through Twitter.

Registration is simple. It’s one hour. And free.

What are you willing to say “no” to tonight—so that you can say “Yes!” to God?

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