
When a Whisper Sounds More Like A Shout

by Cathy Baker

When the breath of God plays in the form of a melody it serenades and soothes a stirred-up soul much like a mother holding a sick child. The unsettled part of us clings and sinks deeply into a place of comfort, the Word.  

That’s the only way I know how to describe a recent “God whisper” that took place while driving to the local hospital for tests. I felt unusually unsettled about a health situation that could possibly take place while Brian was in France the following week. A battle erupted in my mind between truth and lies. In that moment, I remembered a recently purchased CD. With one click of the button, God’s Word, spoken through David Teems, waved the palm branch of victory in truth’s direction. 

If you’re unfamiliar with David, you need to get acquainted. I’ve listened to him for 20+ years and every class I’ve taught during those years heard his voice at least once. His gift is reading the Word of God (verbatim) while playing ambient music in the background. My most recent purchase was David’s, Speak to Me, focuses on excerpts from the Old Testament (which I love!)

The victory that morning began when David paused, and then slowly uttered six words: 

God is our refuge and strength, 
a very present help in trouble. 
Psalm 46:1

I sat there, awestruck by the power of God’s living word. (Hebrews 4:12) He knew my inner struggle, my fear of being alone if trouble came knocking. His answer came in the form of a whisper but it resonated more like a shout in my soul. 

His Word—the very essence of life, awaits to be devoured. For only then does it truly become our joy and heart’s delight. 

When I discovered your words, I devoured them. They are my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, O LORD God of Heaven’s Armies. Jeremiah 15:15 NLT  
Awake, My Soul

Here’s the best six minutes you’ll spend today. David begins reading scripture around the 1:30 mark. Prepare to be blessed, my friend. Click here to watch the Youtube reading of one of my all time favorites, or click on David’s CD below to view.


To God be the glory!

Friday Fave – God’s Promptings

In this recent post I hinted at an idea the Lord gave me while preparing for the introduction to our study Abiding in Christ, by Andrew Murray and Bo Stevens. 

The idea bubbled to the surface as I imagined the disciples walking past a nearby vineyard following their last supper with Christ. The bread and the wine still lingering on their lips would become even more meaningful as Jesus taught on the Vine and the branches—a union that complements the Lord’s Supper beautifully.  

As I closed out our introduction night, the juice and crackers were passed. We had a time of self-examination while David Teems (More Hope CD) played in the background. Afterwards, an amazing group of women from various backgrounds, denominations and churches came together as one to celebrate the One who makes an abiding relationship with a holy God possible. 

To God be the glory!

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