
Goodbye Elaine Benes, Hello Holy Spirit

by Cathy Baker

Earlier this week I shared why I chose to take up the challenge of writing under one theme for 31 Days, beginning October 1st. 

Myquillyn Smith, The Nester, encouraged those bewildered by what subject to blog about to choose something that represents where they are in life right now. So it’s no surprise I decided on Join In The Dance…Staying In Step With The Spirit for the theme of my 31 Day challenge. 

See, I remember taking a dance class at a local studio to prepare for my mother/son dance at Zach and Sarah’s wedding back in 2009. We all went to the studio and had a great time but on their special night, when everyone gathered around the dance floor with all eyes on us, I froze. Everything I learned that night at the studio melted along with my confidence. And then Zach said the magic words, “Just follow me.” 


“Come, follow me,” Jesus said…” Mark 1:17a

In the original text, “Come, follow me,” is in the present tense, meaning it’s a continuous action. Jesus is continually calling me to follow—to stay in step with Him. So why do my dance steps of recent months look more like Elaine’s than a loving, attentive dance partner? 

When I look back over this summer, I see a lot of events. Graduations, weddings, a writer’s conference, and the funeral of a 21 year-old family member that broke all of our hearts — all crammed into a few months. In some ways, it feels like I never fully exhaled from the end of May through August. In the wake of the chaos I allowed days to rumble by without some serious time with my heavenly Father. Pages left unturned and truths not grasped all because my priorities were way out of whack. No wonder my steps were too.

While I wish I could have a re-do on my summer priorities, I can’t. I can, however, learn from the experience and become a stronger Christ follower as a result. I cling to the truth that His mercy for me is fresh every single morning (Lam. 3:22,23) and in turn, move closer towards Him with the desire of following His lead. I want to leave the independent herky-jerky moves to Elaine and instead, stay in step with One who forgives the clumsy footwork and occasional wrong turn from His partner.

How about you? Has there been a period of time when you’ve been out of step with the Spirit and His movement in your life? (If not, we’re all coming to your house for the next dance!) 

I invite you to join me during the month of October as we explore simple, fresh, and hopefully meaningful ways to stay attuned to the One who calls us by name and whispers Follow Me. 

We love because He first loved us.
1 John 4:19 ESV

Why I’m Taking the 31 Day Challenge


by Cathy Baker

Here’s why I’ve decided to participate in Myquillyn Smith’s (The Nester) 31 DAYS writing challenge to blog every day during the month of October:

  • I love to blog. It’s that simple. Putting my thoughts out there for all to see is a bit scary but I wouldn’t want it any other way.

  • The challenge offers a unique opportunity to meet other bloggers. Who doesn’t enjoy meeting others willing to undertake similar challenges?

  • Structure is my friend. Having said that, I’ve decided to blog every day in October except Sundays.

  • Because it’s where I am right now. The theme for my October blogging is “Join In The Dance…Staying in Step with the Spirit.”

Later this week I’ll be sharing the “why” behind the topic. In the meantime, if you enjoy blogging, it’s not too late to join in the fun

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