
When a One-Liner Becomes a Game Changer


by Cathy Baker

I love one-liners, especially when they’re girded with truth. As our community Bible study group closes out the Gideon study I’m reminded of the testimonies we’ve received. Spiritual eyes opened, forgiveness forged, and callings confirmed. May the fragrance of Christ continue to invade our lives and captivate those around us.

15 one-liners from our study:

  • Today’s difficulties are often a result of yesterday’s disobedience.  

  • Ordinary is often the disguise of the divine.
  • Knowing God’s purpose requires first being aware of God’s presence. 
  • Opened eyes precede your calling being realized.
  • Today’s tasks are preparation for tomorrow’s calling. 
  • If God said it then, He still means it now. 
  • Who you are is more important than what you have been called to do. 
  • Pride forgets. Humility remembers. 
  • Many of life’s external difficulties find their roots in the internal reality of pride. 
  • Don’t try to retain what God is asking you to release. 
  • Your faith can be stronger than a fleece. 
  • A vessel’s value is not determined by its composition but by its contents.
  • Finishing well could mean not finishing. 
  • Modernized idolatry is still idolatry. 
  • Commitments trumps convenience.  

Which of these means the most to you right now? 

Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget none of His benefits. Psalm 103:2

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