
The Morning Pages Challenge!

I first learned of Morning Pages from the book The Creative Call, by Janice Elsheimer. (Janice credits Julia Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way for this idea.) Initially, I wondered what could be written on pages that I wouldn’t pen in my prayer journal, but I soon learned each has their own place.

When journaling prayers, I write directly to my heavenly Father. The simple act of putting pen to paper helps me stay focused on Him, not the blaring buzz of the dryer. Some days my words skim the surface like a skier on slick water. Other times, they wear wetsuits, delving deeply into corners of my life. Regardless, thought is required, as is true for any prayer time.

Morning Pages, at least for me, is the opposite as it provides an outlet for something that doesn’t come easy for me—free writing. No checking grammar, thinking it through or searching for “just the right word” with these pages. It’s simply putting pen to paper and writing whatever comes to mind.

Nicky Hajal refers to this process as “Slicing the Brain Loops” in his top-notch post, 5 Reasons Why You Should Write Morning Pages – Right Now!:

“Have you noticed that when something is on
your mind you seem to go over it again and again and again? You think
through the same dreaded scenario over and over and just can’t shake it
off. On the contrary, each go around reinforces the pattern.

I call these brain loops and they’re devastating to actually
accomplishing important tasks. They’re energy being spent, taking you no
where – like revving a car while it’s still in park.

I can’t explain it but the moment you take a thought and type it out,
it simply feels wrong to loop through that thought process again. Your
brain moves onto other things, either probing further into whatever that
loop was about or considering more important subjects.”

Morning Pages isn’t just for writers or creative thinkers. “Dumping” thoughts on a few pages each day is helpful in clearing the mind for a productive day.

Oddly enough, I plan to shift my Morning Pages to Evening Pages for a while. I think a clear mind is a restful one, and I need all the rest I can get these days.

You can use a journal, notebook, or loose-leaf paper. There’s an advantage in writing longhand but if for whatever reason you’re unable to do so, type away! I made a special trip to Target, visited my favorite department (office supplies), and chose an inspiring 1-1/2″ binder by Pink Chandelier. How could I not be inspired by a name like that?

So, here’s the challenge! Beginning Monday, June 16th, would you be willing to give Morning Pages a try for two weeks? Simply leave a comment on this post letting me know you’re in! Then, jump in with both feet next Monday, jotting down any positive things you learn about Morning Pages along the way. Email those to me on June 30th and I’ll feature them in my July 3rd post.

I’ll also enter the names of those who email their insights on June 30th into a drawing for something you’re sure to enjoy on your Morning Pages journey.

Who’s in?


Today is the day that the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24


– image courtesy of edwinsoriano.com 

My Friday Fave – This is the Day The Lord Has Made

Evening is my favorite time within the twenty-four:

  • A cup of hot brew in my whoo-owl mug (especially so with a steady beat of rain melodically playing in the background)
  • Prime reading time (no doubt we’re empty nesters, eh?)
  • Sometimes it’s Piper time (who needs to read?)
  • Exercise behind me…white fizz time before me (Seagram’s ginger-ale soaked in crushed ice)

These are just a few reasons why I enjoy our evenings here at the Baker home—but one new nightly ritual has particularly won me over: Brian reading aloud from William J. Bennett’s, The Book of Virtues, while I’m curled up nearby with my oh-so-soft vintage blanket and Rupert, our white fluff bucket.

The book is a treasury of great moral stories, as promised on the cover. Bible stories, childhood tales, poetry (such as this one), and short stories come alive with one click of the reading lamp.

So, is there a particular time within the twenty-four that you’re especially enjoying these days—or do you find the hours quietly sifting into the next day without notice?

This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

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