When God Re-Gifts for His Glory
Her name was Mrs. Adele White. She’d been invited to her son’s home for a visit in SC. Up until then, the only home she’d known was an Andy Griffith-like town in VA. He picked her up as promised, but instead of taking her to his home he dropped her off at the local nursing home and rarely returned.
I forgot to mention. Mrs. White was blind.
When we first met, she was still coming to terms with how quickly her seasons had shifted but her faith was steadfast.
The facility was old and governed by Medicare. Walls were scuffed and smells capable of stealing your breath often wafted into her dimly lit room. But there she sat. A smile on her face and the Bible in her lap.
One morning, while reading to her, she began reciting the verse word for word. It was almost as if she could see the expression on my face because she went on to say how, as a young woman, she’d begun memorizing scripture verses. Her eyes welled with tears as she shared how everything could be taken away — her sight, her home, friends, and church — but scripture would always remain because they were in her heart and mind.
Every excuse I had to not memorize scripture melted away somewhere between inspiration and conviction. I purchased an inexpensive pocket-sized notebook and began memorizing my own verses that week.
Ah, the gift of scripture memorization. It’s a gift we can give ourselves, inspire in others, and nurture in our children/grandchildren. Only God knows how He will re-gift it for His glory in the future.
In my Bible, I have written beside Psalm 19:4,5: Devotion given by Mrs. White, 6/14/95. What a smile!