
Thirty Days of Wonder Challenge

“Ask God to awaken your ability to see and savor His sweet presence and recognize His divine handiwork. Then live eyes wide open to the ways God answers.” – Margaret Feinburg, Wonderstruck

Since learning of our community study Wonderstruck, Awaken to the Nearness of God, (which begins TONIGHT!) some of you have asked if I’d share tidbits from the study here on the blog—but I’m going to do one better. 

You’re invited to join us for our 30 days of Wonder Challenge. Margaret designed it to awaken our ability to see God at work in our lives in ways we may have never considered… or slowed down long enough to appreciate. 

Beginning today, a brief and doable challenge will be shared each morning at 7:00 a.m. I encourage you to stop by before you begin your day, if possible. On the days when other subjects are posted (Wed/Fri) you’ll find the Wonder Challenge located below that day’s post. 

Ready for the challenge? Prepare to stand in awe of your awe-inspiring God. 


The wonders of God surround you. Prayerfully spend some time reflecting on those things that prevent you from awakening to the wonder of God. Write them down, and then ask God to remove those obstacles that prevent you from experiencing Him more. Ask God to make you supernaturally aware of the Spirit’s presence and leading over the next thirty days.

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