
Simple {Meaningful} Ways to Celebrate CHRISTmas…Day 9

by Cathy Baker

{ Day 9 }

Today, remember the bell ringers and red bucket holders. When you pass by the Salvation Army volunteers, make eye contact. Thank them for braving the cold and consider asking them if they would like a cup of coffee or cocoa…and then make your way to a nearby coffee shop or McD’s. 

When delivering their treat, ask if there’s a specific way you can be praying for them this Christmas season. If time allows, pray with them on the spot.

“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.” Mother Teresa

Simple Ways to Share Christ this Christmas

This past week, while finishing up some last minute shopping, I was struck by how relieved surprised pedestrians seemed when I came to a complete stop for them AND smiled in the process. Such a simple gesture. Why wouldn’t I always do that? Sigh! 

The pedestrians expression immediately reminded of a post I did back in 2011, which goes right along with this series. Thank you for allowing me to share it with you once more:

I’m a bonafide multi-tasker.

Who else could belt out Joy to the World while nearly mowing down a couple exiting the local Bi-lo?

The expression on their faces coincided with a gentle shoulder tap from the One who didn’t become flesh to hear me sing about Him—but rather for Him—by remaining in tune with the Spirit.

Since that fateful night in the Bi-lo parking lot, I’ve been reminded just how powerful the practical can be when I am:

  • Igniting
    my prayer life before the engine, asking God to reveal divine
    opportunities in living out His joy, mercy, and love to those driving
    too slowly, the rude and weary waitress, or the woman who plops down 20
    items in a 10 item lane.
  • Stopping
    for pedestrians at the malls, Target, Walmart and alike. (No doubt the
    couple wished I’d been enlightened on this one a bit sooner.) Better
    yet, stop and smile as you wave
    them on, assuring them they’re not an intrusion on your day, but a
    divine appointment. It’s also the perfect opportunity to pray for them
    as they make their way ever-so-slowly by your car.
  • Going
    the extra mile for Salvation Army bucket volunteers by picking up a
    bottled water for them in addition to your donation. If it’s nippy
    outside, consider delivering a hot cocoa from a nearby place, thanking
    them for their willingness to volunteer for the benefit of others.
  • Smiling. Sharing a warm hello. We never know who needs it the most, but God does (the beauty of God’s providential prompts!)

matters not if any of the above actions are reciprocated. What matters
is that we take every opportunity to impart God’s joy instead of simply
singing about it. 

How about you? Is there a simple way you’ve found to share the love of Christ with others during this holiday season? 

Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of the opportunity. Colossians 4:5

The Tilting of a Tea Pot for God’s Glory

Who would’ve known how a Fisher-Price Laugh and Learn to Say Please Tea Set could be used to convict, encourage, and glorify God?  

It all began while shopping for Piper’s birthday this week. I spotted a sale on Fisher-Price play sets and took full advantage by purchasing an On-The-Go Nativity Set for her birthday and a Laugh and Learn to Say Please Tea Set for Christmas.

When I arrived home that day, I left the tea set sitting in the front floor board. Had I known that every tilting of the pink tea pot produced the sound of pouring water I would’ve kicked my procrastination to the proverbial curb. The first “pour” brought a smile to my face as I thought of Piper, but the continuous (and I do mean continuous!) pouring prompted a whole new meaning. 

At one time
we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and
hating one another. But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.
This is a trustworthy saying.
And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted
in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone.
-Titus 3:4-8

With every “pour”, my Savior came to mind — proving especially helpful when I became frustrated with the guy in front of me refusing to take advantage of a left turn signal, as well as the time my mind began wandering in a not-so-Christ-like-direction.

Fast forward to this morning when I spotted a Salvation Army volunteer bundled up in a heavy coat, swinging her bell in front of the local Belk. The Lord reminded me of the nearby Starbucks and how a cup of hot cocoa with whip cream could minister to most anyone—and of course, He was right. 

I pulled up to the curb, hopped out, and handed the bundled volunteer hot cocoa. The wrinkles on her face glistened with delight as she proclaimed how she’d just told the Lord she could use something warm to drink. We gave God glory for His provision and wished each other a blessed holiday season while I climbed back in the CRV.

As I pulled away, the tea pot tilted and the water “poured”, immersing my heart in gratitude for a plastic pink tea pot and the magnificent ways God uses the simplest of things to bring Him glory. 

Being therefore exalted at the right hand of God, and having received
from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he has poured out this
that you yourselves are seeing and hearing. – Acts 2:33

When Practical is Powerful

I’m a bonafide multi-tasker.

Who else could belt out Joy to the World while nearly mowing down a couple exiting the local Bi-lo?

The expression on their faces coincided with a gentle shoulder tap from the One who didn’t become flesh to hear me sing about Him—but rather for Him—by remaining in tune with the Spirit.

Since that fateful night in the Bi-lo parking lot, I’ve been reminded just how powerful the practical can be when I am:

  • Igniting my prayer life before the engine, asking God to reveal divine opportunities in living out His joy, mercy, and love to those driving too slowly, the rude and weary waitress, or the woman who plops down 20 items in a 10 item lane.
  • Stopping for pedestrians at the malls, Target, Walmart and alike. (No doubt the couple wished I’d been enlightened on this one a bit sooner.) Better yet, stop and smile as you wave them on, assuring them they’re not an intrusion on your day, but a divine appointment. It’s also the perfect opportunity to pray for them as they make their way ever-so-slowly by your car.
  • Going the extra mile for Salvation Army bucket volunteers by picking up a bottled water for them in addition to your donation. If it’s nippy outside, consider delivering a hot cocoa from a nearby place, thanking them for their willingness to volunteer for the benefit of others.
  • Smiling. Sharing a warm hello. We never know who needs it the most, but God does (the beauty of God’s providential prompts!)

It matters not if any of the above actions are reciprocated. What matters is that we take every opportunity to impart God’s joy instead of simply singing about it.

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