As a Hitchcock fan, I was delighted to learn that our local Simpsonville theater, Great Escape, will be showing The Birds (one of my favorites!) TODAY only on the big screen at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Is that hot buttered popcorn and Cherry Coke I smell? Okay, so I’ll only enjoy one handful of corn and a few sips of soda, but Tippi Hedren, Rod Taylor, and hovering black birds will keep me distracted.
In this recent post I hinted at an idea the Lord gave me while preparing for the introduction to our study Abiding in Christ, by Andrew Murray and Bo Stevens.
The idea bubbled to the surface as I imagined the disciples walking past a nearby vineyard following their last supper with Christ. The bread and the wine still lingering on their lips would become even more meaningful as Jesus taught on the Vine and the branches—a union that complements the Lord’s Supper beautifully.
As I closed out our introduction night, the juice and crackers were passed. We had a time of self-examination while David Teems (More Hope CD) played in the background. Afterwards, an amazing group of women from various backgrounds, denominations and churches came together as one to celebrate the One who makes an abiding relationship with a holy God possible.
It’s a blessing to have sufficient room for a Bible study. And it’s one, quite frankly, I took for granted until a few weeks ago.
With a record number of women signed up for our Abide in Christ study, we had doubts that we’d fit in our current location, the beautiful B Encouraged Ministry House in downtown Simpsonville. After all, there were 28 women in the last study and the space was tight.
We considered meeting elsewhere, resigning ourselves to the fact we had no other choice. That is, until I stopped by for a trial run yesterday. Becka, one of their amazing staffers, suggested a different place for Becky and I to stand while leading the study. Yes, it will still be a little “cozy”, as realtors say, but we think will work just fine.
New ideas and fresh blessings emerge when we include others in our decisions. Thank you, Becka!
Also, I’m delighted to be guest blogging at Allison Martin’s The Budget Maven today. I’d love for you to hop over for a quick visit. There, you’ll also find my poem Soft Clover, which won third place at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writer’s Conference in 2011.
I plopped down on Lifeway’s blue armless chair, arms filled with the latest bible studies, and bowed my head. I mean, one can’t go wrong in choosing a study as long as we’re in the Word, right? In the big picture, I believe this to be true—but I also believe God is in the details of our personal lives. So I pray.
Lord, You alone know who will attend this study. You alone know our true journey — where we are, where we desire to be, our strengths, our weaknesses, our everything. Pour out Your wisdom and direct me clearly in choosing our next study, as I am confident You have a purpose and a plan for each of us.
And pour out He did. Two hours, and nearly fifteen studies later, one study stood out: Abide in Christ, by Andrew Murray and Bo Stevens.
“It would be easy to study this parable to gain more knowledge, but this was not our Lord’s intent when He shared this parable with His disciples. His intent was for them to experience an abiding relationship in Him. He has the same intent for you and me today. He wants us to learn to abide, not simply learn what it means to abide.” -Bo Stevens
This modern-day version of Andrew Murray’s The True Vine invites us to dive in the Word throughout the week and come up for air on Tuesday nights at 6:30 p.m.
While the study itself is only 6 weeks, we will have an introduction the first week, and on our final week, we’ll come together for a very special Vine & the Branches tea party that you’ll not want to miss.
Begins: Tuesday, September 4th Ends: Tuesday, October 23 Time: 6:30-7:45 p.m. Place: Be Encouraged Ministry House, Simpsonville Led by Cathy Baker and Becky Kirby
What do we do when God interrupts our lives? Many times, like Jonah, we run! In this 7-session Bible study, Priscilla redefines interruption and shows that interruption is actually God’s invitation to do something beyond our wildest dreams. When Jonah was willing to allow God to interrupt his life, the result was revival in an entire city. -Jonah, Navigating a Life Interrupted, by Priscilla Shirer
How do you suppose our lives would change if we chose to see daily interruptions as divine opportunities?
I look forward to finding out, beginning Tuesday, February 21st, as the Ladies’ Community Bible study group gathers in a beautiful turn-of-the-century home in downtown Simpsonville to study the book of Jonah over a hot cup of coffee and sweet fellowship.
Throughout the week, participants will have a small amount of daily study time in the workbooks. On Tuesday nights, 6:30-7:45 p.m., we’ll come together to discuss the truths we’ve learned (no one is put on the spot to share). Lifeway has plenty of workbooks in stock ($11.95). You’ll want to have the first week completed prior to our first gathering on February 21st. The study will be completed by the end of March.
Becky Kirby and I will be co-leading this session and we invite ladies of all ages to come join us!
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