
Specific prayer=Specific answers

What specific things are you praying for these days?

Last minute cries for help, a meticulous list of needs, or an unexplainable groaning from within—God hears the prayers of His people. Add specificity, and we’re given an opportunity to witness our God’s awe-inspiring attention to detail in action.

One of those moments came for me this week while peering out our window, curled up in my prayer chair. I was sharing with the Lord how I’d not sensed His presence as much in recent weeks, even though I was confident He was there—whether I felt it or not. Nevertheless, like any daughter desiring to feel closer to her Father, I made a simple but heartfelt request: “Pappa, I just want to know You’re near.”

Before catching my next breath, a brief but blustery gust of wind swept through the trees just outside my window pane—without disturbing another tree in my yard.

To many, a ten-second gust of wind would simply appear as our season’s signature. To me, however, it was a specific answer to prayer—a Father reminding His daughter that through His Holy Spirit He is always but a breath away.

What specific answers will you be watching for this week?

Pray specifically. Trust fully. Watch expectantly. Praise quickly.

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