
Surrounding Yourself With Beauty

by Cathy Baker

I don’t remember the last time we went to a garage sale, much less woke up at 6:20 a.m. to get there. But the pictures in the ad caught our eye. Brian, the vintage stereo equipment. Me, the painted blue chair. 


Strolling away from the garage sale with the blue chair in tow, Brian asked why I needed another funky chair. My corny words slipped out before I could catch them: Because it makes me smile (as did the price.) Who doesn’t want a pale-robin’s-egg-blue-chalk-painted-vintage chair? Okay, I know at least one person. Moving on. 

My journey to a less-cluttered way of living came to a standstill earlier this year due to unexpected surgery with a host of other excuses on its heels. But temps are rising, as are my expectations. 

“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” William Morris 

My goal is to release anything and everything that I’ve kept based on guilt (I can’t throw away something _____ gave me), the “one day I might need it” excuse, or because one day I might need that pant size again. Otherwise, how can I make room for beauty?

Maybe I’m not alone. If you’re willing to share, I’d love to know your favorite excuse OR your favorite decluttering tip.

Rainy Days and Mondays (3 Summer Activities to Enjoy on Days Like These)

 by Cathy Baker

“Lost time is 
never found again.”
Benjamin Franklin

I made a lot of mistakes as a mom of two little boys, especially before coming to know Christ. But one thing I longed for as a young mother was to create good memories for my children. Today, I’m sharing three favorite family activities from way back when. Thankfully, rainy days and uncharted roads still offer much fun for children and adults alike. 

On rainy days, pull out a lightweight sheet, gather a few chairs, and make a tent indoors. Fluffy pillows, popped corn, and a favorite movie are the perfect ingredients for a gaggle of giggles. Enjoying a picnic-type lunch under the sheet makes peanut butter and jelly taste even sweeter. Now I make tents for the grandchildren and they love it as much as their dads did all those years ago.

Play in the rain! I can’t say this happened often but when it did, it was fun. On days when lightening stays at bay but rain pours in buckets, take the kids outside, stick your tongues out and take it all in, for in a blink they’ll be taking their own children out to play. Trust me.  


    Explore! On a whim, I’d load up the boys to explore back roads we’d never traveled just to see where we’d end up. Of course, our final destination was located on a very familiar road offering up a well-acquainted dessert, the TCBY Shiver. (Who says I’m not adventurous?)

    Your turn! Do you have a favorite activity you share (or shared) with the little ones in your life? We’d love to read about it, if so. Please share in the comment section. 

    “School teachers are not fully appreciated by parents 
    until it rains all day Saturday.” Unknown

    A New Season at Rhyme and Reason!

    Summer officially begins June 21 but I’m kicking it off next Monday, June 17, as Rhyme and Reason celebrates a new “season” of its own.

    I love to blog! (I hope that goes without saying.)

    You—your time—remain at the forefront of my mind when composing each post, which is why I aim for a takeaway but choose to keep most posts brief. Beginning June 17, Rhyme and Reason will launch NEW ideas while holding to the same pattern.

    Ideas like giving each day (M-W-F) a summer-related theme to build upon:

    Mondays: H₂0, Quenching Your Spiritual Thirst Stop by and quench your spiritual thirst with a spot of inspiration in the form of a devotion, a photograph, scripture, etc. What better way to begin our week? 

    Wednesdays: A Poetic PauseAn opportunity to peek in, catch your breath, and be revived. Poetry awaits. 

    Fridays: Fireflies and Moon Pies™…Celebrating Summer Delights – Guest posts, recommended summer reads, yummy recipes, fun links, giveaways, and who knows what else?

    Of course, if the Spirit leads otherwise on a particular day, we’ll follow. 

    Thank you for your time, your support, your encouragement, and especially your friendship. 

    Beautiful words stir my heart.
    I will recite a lovely poem about the king,
    for my tongue is like the pen of a skillful poet. 
    Psalm 45:1 NLT
     To God be the glory…today and always. 

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