Today’s Artist Date may seem a bit odd for some but let’s encourage one another to skirt about our sense of ease and dare to explore what lies just beyond the next corner.
Save the Date(s):
It’s your choice! Choose one or both dates. Who knows? You may find yourself giggling like a nine-year old or being as contemplative as an eighty-year-old. These age-defined insights are eager to emerge so grab your purse/wallet and let’s head to the nearest cafe or coffee shop.
Pete Townshend
You’re Invited:
“Write a letter from your nine-year-old self to you. Expect resistance to this date. Overcome your resistance by bribing yourself. Take yourself out to a fancy cafe. Order the most decadent dessert on the menu. Take one scrumptious bite, and then take out your notebook and start writing. Tell yourself you can finish your treat when you have finished writing your letter. Pete Townshend of The Who named this date among his favorite Artist’s Way tools. You might find that, too.” -Julia Cameron, “The Miracle of the Artist’s Date.”
“Write a letter from you at eighty. Take yourself to your favorite coffee shop. Order a chocolate shake. Take pen to page and write yourself a loving letter full of praise and encouragement. Tell yourself you’re doing well. Applaud your accomplishments. Your eighty-year-old self is proud of you. Drink up your shake.” -Julia Cameron, “The Miracle of the Artist’s Date.”
Which did you choose? I’d love to know! I plan to do both exercises but will begin with the latter exercise as I believe our older selves have much wisdom to share.
This month’s drawing goes hand-in-hand with our Save the Date theme. Simply leave a comment sharing which date resonated most with you and your name will be included in a random drawing on Monday, June 1st, for your favorite cup o’ brew from Starbucks.
I know I sound like Pete Townsend of The Who, but it’s that one question that has me so excited about our our upcoming community bible study by Angela Thomas, Do You Think I’m Beautiful? Perhaps my fervency for teaching this study originates from the fact that I once banked my happiness and fulfillment on the love and attention of the opposite sex. For some, their identity, thus their happiness, lies in their ability to climb the corporate ladder, raise “perfect” children or be accepted by anyone and everyone.
I believe we are all tempted to place our identity in someone or something other than God for to know and believe the truth of how God views us obliterates the enemy’s best efforts. Of course he would have us believe lies instead! I know of fewer things more dangerous than a Christ-follower confident in their identity.
How we view our heavenly Father’s feelings towards us is a game changer.
Heavenly Father,
When we doubt our worth in Your eyes,
for Yours are truly the only ones that matter,
may we see Jesus.
Through Him, we are forgiven, covered in fresh fallen mercy.
We are precious in Your sight.
When the enemy flings his arrows of doubt,
may we raise Your shield of faith high
keeping our feet firmly planted in truth,
for we are loved perfectly and unconditionally by You.
Father, will you steep Your Word deeply into our soul?
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people
for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him
who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
1 Peter 2:9
Is there one particular word or phrase from the above scripture you feel led to “sip” on, meditate on, throughout this week?
The words “that you may” stood out to me as I read the above verse. Knowing our identity, and standing firm in it, could hold eternal significance.
As we bring our time to a close, is there one tangible way to “pour”
out His truth in response to the word(s) chosen above?
Thanks for stopping by today at Sharing Life Together…One Sip At A Time. Would
you consider joining in the conversation by leaving your “word” from the above verse in the comment box? Blessings!
does not delight in the strength of the horse; He does not take
pleasure in the legs of a man. The LORD favors those who fear Him, Those
who wait for His lovingkindness. – See more at:,-God-Expressing#sthash.MnlQbRF6.dpuf
For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
Colossians 3:3
Cathy Baker
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