
Kiss Resistance Goodbye

“Ruth Stone, an award-winning poet who published most of her work after the age of 70, died on November 19 of natural causes at her home in Ripton, Vermont, according to the Huffington Post. She was 96.” – The Writer’s Chronicle

I’m currently reading The War of Art, Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles, by Steven Pressfield. In it, Steven defines our enemy, Resistance.

“Resistance will tell you anything to keep you from doing your work.”

Do you find this to be true in your own life? Regardless of your calling—teaching the Word, writing music, singing, serving, writing prose or poetry, etc.—resistance sets its stealthy snares in hopes of squelching any creativity you and I have to offer.

“Resistance cannot be seen, touched, heard, or smelled. But it can be felt. Its aim is to shove us away, distract us, prevent us from doing our work.”

I find this to be especially true when I work on poetry. Recently, while trying to finish a piece for an upcoming conference, Resistance whispered a host of reasons why I had no business writing, with my whopping age of 49 winning top billing that day.

Everything changed, however, when I read about an award-winning poet named Ruth Stone, who published most of her work after the age of 70.

With that knowledge in my pocket, I thanked God.
Grinned like a kid.
Put down the magazine.
Picked up a pen.
Began writing.

And kissed resistance goodbye.

My Friday Fave

Move over history magazines—The Writer’s Chronicle has arrived!

Six weeks ago, Barnes & Noble tried to convince me they’d never carried The Writer’s Chronicle, even though I’d purchased every issue from them over the past year. I stopped by B & N several times since, only to find history magazines overflowing into the literary section. Don’t get me wrong, I love history, but they were in the wrong neighborhood.

The Writer’s Chronicle underwent a face-lift of sorts beginning with the September issue. The size and feel of the magazine is the first thing one notices, but the content is most impressive. It touches on different genres throughout, but I feel there’s more emphasis on poetry. No complaints here!

“Now in its forty-fourth year, The Writer’s Chronicle, published six times a year, presents essays, articles, news, & information designed to enlighten, inform, & entertain writers, editors, students, & teachers of writing.” –AWP

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