
When a New Perspective Sneaks Up and Refreshes Your Soul

by Cathy Baker

Is there anything more refreshing than a an ice cold slushy or a splash in the pool on a sweltering summer day?


Turns out, there is.

If you’ve attended the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writer’s Conference there’s one particular room where dreams have the potential to either take flight, or deflate as quickly as Tom Brady’s fleet of footballs. On one side of the table sit the agents, editors, publishers, etc. On the other, attendees waiting to pitch ideas or ask questions within their fifteen minute appointment. If an attendee arrives for their appointment and finds the person ahead of them still pitching past their allotted time, we’re told to quietly go stand behind the other conferee, signaling their time is up. 

This year, while sharing my appointment time with Ginger Harrington, friend and fellow blogger, she noticed that her time immediately followed mine.

I smiled and told her to feel free to sneak up on me if my time ran over. Without hesitation she said, “I won’t be sneaking up on you, I’ll be standing there praying for you.” 

This is one of many reasons I love the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writer’s Conference: 
Prayer supersedes plans more often than not.

Our exchange that morning left me feeling refreshed—physically, emotionally, and especially spiritually. New perspectives have a way of doing that, don’t they? 

So, how has God brought refreshment to your soul via another person lately? 

(Congratulations to Ginger! She won 1st place in Blogging this year. Visit her site and you’ll see why.)

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