
Ready to Make Over Your Mornings?

by Cathy Baker

A favorite Lamentations verse lies between one that speaks of broken teeth in gravel  (v. 16) and sitting alone in silence (v. 28): 

Because of the LORD’s great love, we are not consumed for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. – Lamentations 3: 22, 23
Let’s face it. Some mornings feel consumed by everything but God’s compassion yet there it is, every single morning—God faithfulness covering our day. 
I personally love mornings. Always have. Recently, though, I’ve felt discombobulated, like there’s too much trying to weave its way into my thinking, into my days. Perhaps the decluttering process I spoke of in last month’s post needs to begin in the heart as much as it does the corners of my house.
So, with this in mind, I’ll take every Monday in September to share ways we can begin to make over our mornings – physically, emotionally, and spiritually. [Due to Labor Day, my post will be on Wednesday instead of Monday.]
To get things started, what is one area in your home or life you would like to begin the decluttering process? 
And don’t forget… 

It’s not too late to enter the August giveaway!

One last thing I’m learning as we close out this month’s series: Based on the elaborate displays in Barnes and Noble we are never too old to color! If
you would like to enter the random drawing for this “adult” coloring
book on Joy by Valentina Harper, simply fill in the blank via the
comment section! Winner will be announced on Wednesday, September 9th.

One thing I’m currently learning is _________________________________________. 

Purchased at Barnes and Noble



When Three Prayers Collide on a Picture

by Cathy Baker

There we were, the three of us, playing on the aqua blue eyelash rug in the library. Piper, Gabe, and me. On the shelf nearby, sat a freshly framed picture of Judah, our newly adopted son from Uganda. 

It was a poignant moment as we sat on a butter-soft rug knowing that my son and daughter-in-law were battling unseen forces for Judah’s freedom flight back to the US. Crucial decisions were taking place that day. I picked up Judah’s picture asking Piper, who will be 4 in November, and Gabe, who’ll soon be 2, if they wanted to pray together for him. I laid Judah’s picture on the rug. One by one, we gently placed our hand on the picture of the one we call our own and did just that. 

The one we call our own.

I am learning that when prayers collide, regardless of place or age, there is a powerful force at work. His name is Jesus.

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” 
Matthew 18:20


 One last thing I’m learning as we close out this month’s series: Based on the elaborate displays in Barnes and Noble we are never too old to color! If you would like to enter the random drawing for this “adult” coloring book on Joy by Valentina Harper, simply fill in the blank via the comment section! Winner will be announced on Wednesday, September 9th.

One thing I’m currently learning is _________________________________________. 

Purchased at Barnes and Noble

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