
What Can We Learn from These 5 Quotes?

I love quotes. And they love me. Pithy, thought-provoking…it’s all there. So in the midst of this blazing summer heat, I thought I’d offer refreshment in the form of a fistful of favorites. In addition, you’ll find a quick sip of thoughts. As you read the following five quotes, is there one in particular that resonates with you?



So how do we fuel the curiosity within us? One way is through play. Who says adults have outgrown a playground or that our playground must consist of a slide and a swing? I admit that I’ve not always been good at playing as an adult. In fact, I’m still working on it. But playing, whether it’s through a sports activity, dancing free-form when no one can see you {cue 70’s music}, or simply daydreaming, it empowers us to be creative, free-thinkers, and more flexible.

quote3.Self-doubt is a danger to creativity. But more importantly, it’s a danger to our souls. Our testimonies. Our calling. When I began attending the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writer’s Conference I found my validation as a writer in receiving awards. I’d never won anything as an adult. So each time I heard my name called and the roar of applause that followed, I felt a little more like a “real” writer. I know now that my worth — as a wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, friend, and writer, must be grounded only in the person of Jesus Christ. He alone is where we find our confidence. When we rest in this truth, self-doubt quietly slithers away.


Oh boy! I’m still not sure what to think about this quote but I couldn’t exclude it. It was just too darn intriguing. Maybe it’s the term ‘stealing’ that leaves me unsettled. Edie Melson and Vonda Skelton, who led our writer’s group for years, often reminded us that there is nothing new under the sun. I don’t know about you, but that’s a relief. I used to beat myself up because I couldn’t think of something to write about that no one else had already written. Now I know that my inspiration and perspective are unique…and so are yours. I pray the Lord will open our spiritual eyes as we anticipate fresh insight from Him, even on the most hum-drum of days.


Don’t you find this to be true? I learned this while participating in the 31 Days Blog Challenge a couple of years ago. The challenge? Choose a theme and dedicate 31 consecutive days {October} to blogging on that subject. I thought for sure I’d run out of ideas within the first three days. What I discovered, however, was quite the opposite. Creativity was at every turn! Thoughts came quicker and from unexpected places.


My heart’s desire: to take what God has made and shape it and use it to make Him look great. For He is worthy! How about you?


Now it’s your turn! Was there a quote or thought you especially resonated with today? Please share. I’d love to know.

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The Gift of Curiosity

Curious (kyo͝orēəs) adj. Eager to know or learn something.

Curiosity. A gift from God all too often overlooked for the “grander” ones. I didn’t realize how much so until Sweet P came along. 

I remember the first time I saw her closely examining a single thread on her coat. She touched it ever so gently, observing every angle for what seemed to be minutes.

Yesterday, Brian and I took Piper to the Children’s Museum. It’s the seventh largest children’s museum in the nation and quite a treat to behold. A few areas were designated for toddlers, such as a grocery store with stocked shelves and mini-grocery carts. If yesterday is any indication, she’s not going to be a big shopper (like her Grammy!) She whizzed right past the grocery cart – went straight for the wax tomatoes – and ran out of the “store”. That’s my girl! 

Afterwards, we headed to Chic-fil-A for lunch. As you can see from the picture above, her curiosity kicked up dust when I pulled off the strip of paper from the disposable place mat. Eyes grew round and a grin was quickly displayed across her sweet face. (I had a similar reaction but unfortunately mine was for the waffle fries.)

Our morning at the museum and Chic-fil-A proved to be one of the most enjoyable times ever for obvious reasons (thank you Zach & Sarah!) but it was also an enlightening one as I was reminded that whether we’re 5 or 50+, we should never stop wondering, observing, and asking questions or else we risk squelching the beautiful God-given gift of curiosity. 

What are you eager to learn about today? 

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. -Walt Disney


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