
For the Love of Writing

It’s been awhile (too long) since attending my first Christian Writer’s Den, held every month in Simpsonville, but that’s what I’ll be doing later this morning. The ladies in this group are dedicated to developing their God-given gifts and talents. Can anyone say “inspiring”?

During a recent Barnes & Noble outing with the hubster, I came across, “Writing Basics”, which has turned out to be one of my favorite writing magazines. What it lacks in luster it more than makes up for in practicality.

My all-time favorite book (hands-down) on writing continues to be “The Little Red Writing Book” by Brandon Royal (thanks Rich!)

One thing I’ve learned, especially since the inception of this blog, is that writing (anything more than a surface-type posting) requires time. Time to watch and to understand what God is revealing; time to allow those thoughts to marinate and then to bring them to fruition.

All things worthwhile require time and writing is no exception. It is a process that I thoroughly enjoy and feel almost compelled to complete.

“I believe God made me for a purpose,
but he also made me fast.
And when I run I feel His pleasure.”
– Eric Liddell, Olympic Runner and Missionary to China

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