Working on: A writing schedule. I’ve allowed a multitude of distractions to disrupt the schedule I began in January but today is a new day! I returned from the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Conference with a fresh sense of purpose, including a renewed desire to step up my devotional writing. While at the beach last week, I learned that Upper Room decided to accept my meditation. The publish date is May/June 2013. Talk about revving up a writing engine!
Thinking about: How much I’d enjoy a screened-in porch right now. (Perhaps, I should instead be thinking about the pitfalls of envy)
Anticipating: The arrival of our second grandchild — a little boy from Uganda. We’re not sure when his arrival will take place but we are certain that God has His hand upon him and is preparing him to become part of a family that already loves him very much.
Listening to: Bumblers smack the window panes as if they’re doing somersaults off a spanking new Springfree™ trampoline. It doesn’t get much more exciting than this, friends.
Eating: Healthier. Steven James, when speaking on The Four Secrets to Success, told of how we need to keep tuning our instrument (minds), which included eating healthy foods and exercising.
Wishing: I’d had more options yesterday when I had to put our cat to sleep. She’d been gone for about a week and returned home injured quite badly. She was, by far, the sweetest outdoor cat that’s ever happened upon my back porch. Lucy will be missed.
Despite the last entry, composing this post was a lot of fun. Want to give it a try on your blog? Check out the post that inspired this one, thanks to Allison Martin, first-place winner for the blog category. Visit her site, The Budget Maven, and you’ll see why.