
Friday Fave: A Heavenly Beckoning Upstairs

Many reasons flood my mind when considering the joys of this journey with God.

  • The ability to have a personal relationship with the living God
  • To pray, confident that He hears and responds in His way and time
  • The powerful connection that God’s people share 

These are just a few, but I was reminded last night of one of my favorite joys on this journey. 

Early last night, while working on a writing project downstairs, rain began to fall. I was caught off guard by the comfort it provided as it pecked on my window nearby. I knew it had been an “interesting” week but I didn’t realize how heavy I was feeling until hearing the lightness of the rain.

Come upstairs with Me immediately resonated with my spirit. I put down the laptop, grabbed a notebook and headed up the creaky 100 year old pine stairs to my writing area which has two large windows overlooking a busy street and a city park. 

There, I saw that it was not only raining but the sun was also brightly shining. A breathtakingly beautiful sight. We conversed until the sun began to set. Me, pouring out my heart as earnestly as the clouds, and then listening. My heavenly Father had beckoned me upwards, both physically and spiritually.

One of the greatest joys on this journey is how our God personally relates to His children. He is not a distant father. He is present and an ever so personal Father, speaking to our deepest needs—perhaps those we ourselves may not even recognize.

He invites us to meet with Him…to come to Him…to rest with Him. In Him.

Is there anything on earth that compares to a heavenly beckoning upstairs? 

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

My Friday Fave – Creating Inspiring Work Spaces

The view was spectacular, the home historical, but it was Carl Sandburg’s corner office upstairs that captured this writer’s heart. I pictured him at work in the wee hours of the morning, wielding his wordsmith weaponry on a black typewriter that sat atop an apple crate turned sideways.

The details of his work space both inspired and intrigued me. What writing utensil did he reach for first? How did he organize the slew of paper filling the slots that surrounded his worn wooden desk? What rituals did he practice, if any, before his fingertips began tapping the keys?

We can learn much from studying the surroundings of those who are successful and it’s for this reason I snatch up every issue of Where Women Create…Inspiring Work Spaces of Extraordinary Women.

The Nov/Dec/Jan 2012 issue is no exception. If viewing organized, creative, and successful work spaces inspire you, be sure to pick up your copy at Barnes & Noble.

Photo courtesy of fatquartershop.com

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