
✔ Nourished physically by tea and banana nut bread

✔ Nourished spiritually by a devotion reading from Jesus Calling

✔ A room saturated in prayer

✔ God’s presence welcomed

✔ Paper and pens at His beck and call

It’s a work in progress.

My writer’s group, i.e., 4 Corners, is currently working on at least one Christmas e-publication for 2011 and we couldn’t be more excited!

Our four backgrounds are diverse but our purpose is one: Glorify Christ.

One way we hope to accomplish this purpose is by offering practical ways to simplify and de-stress Christmas in order to make room for the meaningful things that matter.

Our target date for release is end of October/first of November. In the meantime, we covet your prayers for wisdom and discernment.

It’s a work ministry in progress and you’re invited along for the journey…

Oops! I almost forgot our mascot, Toby.

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