
The words pause and fall come together like a sing-a-long.

They swing and sway to the melody of a season that offers natural pauses to our day. Swift breezes encourage us to bundle up and head outside for a walk, or a sit by the fire. Wild muscadines growing nearby release a fragrance so sweet and so strong, it takes root in our memories as tightly as its vine clings to an overhanging tree.

And then there is the mug⏤you know, the favorite one that fits your hand just right and makes you smile every time you pull it from the cabinet. It’s the one that warms the quickest when holding your favorite pumpkiny latte.

Fall offers unique opportunities to slow down, to intentionally engage with God, with others, and with our surroundings. It’s comforting to pause from our chaotic culture. And it refreshes the soul we when we offer another person the same opportunity.

“…those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25 NLT




Offer soul refreshment to a parent by watching her children for a couple of hours. If there has ever been a year parents need a pause, it’s this one. Virtual learning, various school schedules, layoffs, etc. If you’re on a tight schedule, there’s nothing wrong with specifying a time, like 10 am-noon.

Bonus points:

  • Stay during a lunch or dinner hour so she can enjoy lunch or a quiet time at a park or in a quiet corner of Panera. Nothing revives a weary soul like fresh air and coffee.
  • Before she leaves, quietly hand her a coffee gift card to enjoy while she’s away.
  • Offer to help the children with homework.



Offer a cooked or carry-out meal to a teacher, depending on how well you know her. One less meal to cook creates a bless-her-socks-off crevice of time in her schedule she’ll not soon forget. Goodbye, busy grocery store, preparation, and clean-up time. Hello, pause. A few favorite go-to sites for quick and easy meals include:

iowa girl eats

Our Home on Purpose

Mom’s Dinner

Have more money than time? Write a card that includes a restaurant gift card or a delivery service like GrubHub.



Invite a new neighbor over for a cup of tea outdoors. Low humidity, no mosquitoes, and just enough chill in the air to appreciate a warm mug or teacup, all make for a welcoming time outdoors. Keep it simple or fancy it up. If you choose simple, Poetry Teatime offers easy treats for tea.



Heading to the apple orchard this fall? Grab an extra bag for someone you know who especially needs to be reminded of God’s love. Or divvy up the bag and create smaller, separate bags for a few people. Apples are yummy but it’s the message that matters here. You can add this tag, based on Psalm 17:8, to the bag.



Every month, subscribers receive a holy, sensory-based pause to use in a particular setting. Like, the garden, or during a storm, or by the lake. It’s quickly becoming one of the most enjoyable downloads in their monthly letter.

Today, I offer you this “Fall Pause” as a “thank you” for becoming a subscriber. We’re a community that understands and appreciates the power of a pause⏤an intentional step toward moving closer to God as we choose to set the life we’ve created aside, and welcome the presence of our Creator.

Simply enter your email address in the top right sidebar. That’s it! {And of course, you can unsubscribe at any time.}


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Thank you for stopping by Creative Pauses from The Tiny House on the Hill!

Bi-weekly posts invite you to come in from the craziness of life, take a seat, and pause awhile, allowing your soul to be refreshed with God’s truth and promises.

Each month, subscribers of this community receive a letter from The Tiny House on the Hill that includes:

  • Practical but meaningful ways to draw closer to God
  • Creative ways to show God’s love to your family, friends, and strangers
  • The latest happenings at the house, my books, and ministry
  • What I’m reading in the Book Nook
  • A favorite (often family) recipe
  • A FUN giveaway…and more!

It’s pithy but packed with grace-filled goodness.

So, come on over and sit a spell. I’d love to get to know you!


Photo by Maria Shanina on Unsplash

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