
A little girl attends Vacation Bible School at Fairforest Baptist Church in Fairforest, SC, her grandparent’s church. Years later, after a painful divorce, she was determined to give church another try, both for herself and especially for her two young sons, so she loaded up the boys one Sunday morning and returned to the only church she ever really knew, not sure of what to expect. It was a very traditional Baptist church that her grandparents had helped to build decades ago. Divorce was obviously frowned upon, especially in situations like hers.

Her grandmother had suggested she try the “New Beginnings” class. She assumed it would be a room full of people much like herself, in their 20’s, and perhaps still feeling the sting of divorce in their own lives.

When she walked through the doors, however, the group that greeted her looked nothing like her. They were much older, except for a a few. Most were senior citizens who’d been widowed. For a moment she wondered if she was in the wrong class—but God had her exactly where He wanted her. Over the months, they surrounded her with unconditional love, fellowship, and much laughter. They never condemned her for the poor choices she’d obviously made, but loved her due to the choice Christ had made so many years ago.

That woman was me and I will always look back with much gratitude, and especially love, for this group of men and women who didn’t just tell me about the love of Christ, but showed me.

An eternal difference.

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