
by Cathy Baker

I don’t know what it is about Fall. Maybe it’s the cool breezes or the fact that I love layered clothing but nonetheless, when a new season approaches it’s time to take stock of what we have, what we need, and what we can share with others.

This particular season is a new one for me. I’ve lost 30 pounds since April 2015. Nothing much fits anymore so my hubby encouraged me to buy new clothes and get the other multiple sizes out of the house. I’m happy to report that I was a submissive wife. 🙂 

So, I’m now I’m working on my own closet this week and thought it would be a good opportunity to invite you to join in the process I plan to follow.

1. Pull everything out of the closet. The floor should be clear as well. (Can I just say I dread this part?)

2. As we pull out our summer clothes, it’s the perfect time to toss over-worn clothes and donate the no-longer-worn. For those kept, clean if necessary before storing them away in labeled storage containers. We store our containers in the attic but they can also be stored on the top shelf of your closet, depending on how many clothes you have, or slip them under every bed in the house. One more place is a restored armoire. 

3. Before adding Fall components, take inventory. Again, it’s a good time to ween out the worn, outdated, and unworn. If you have multiples of a particular item, you can take note of it so there’s less opportunities for impulse purchases. 

4. Keep a small separate tote for gloves, mittens, hats, headbands, etc. I use an over-the-door hook rack for my scarves.

Organize Your Stuff Now

5. For the first time in a very long time (sad, I know) I purchased boots. Umm, multiple pairs of boots. And I’m not a shoe person! But it didn’t take long to see the benefit of having boot shapers. One pair I purchased from Target had them already inserted into the boots. I realized later it was probably because I took the display pair. Oops. So now I’m searching for ways to make my own. Maybe you are too. If so, check out Leanne’s Organize Your Stuff Now.

And finally, there’s this: Life Hack – How to Shop From Your Own Closet to Save Money.

I hope you’ll join me tomorrow as I share my Five Favorite Fall Finds. But for now, I’d love for you to share your favorite tip when it comes to switching out seasonal clothing in the comment section. I have a lot to learn.

Thanks for stopping by!

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