Chances are, we all know someone who is battling cancer. Do we know how to love and encourage them? Often times, if you’re like me, we feel helpless in knowing how to meet their needs—spiritually, emotionally, and physically. If we’re not careful, we can let that helplessness hinder our opportunities to minister.

I recently experienced this frustration first-hand while trying to prepare a care package for a friend in the midst of the battle. I wanted to include helpful items but came up a little empty in the idea department.

Thanks to Susan Stilwell’s post this morning, we can toss frustration out the door and make way for meaningful ministry. Kim Vander Poel, Susan’s guest blogger, briefly shares her own journey with breast cancer, along with practical tips on how to encourage others through both words and actions.

Click here to read this enlightening post. (Thanks Susan and Kim!) 

Encouragement. It’s a wonderful gift from the Lord. Let’s use it for His glory!

Be sure to check out Kim’s blogs – Hope Lives Now and Kim’s Ponderings Beyond Breast Cancer

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