Piper and Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writer’s Conference.
How’s that for two faves? No doubt one tops the other but I mention both as I’ll be heading up the mountain tomorrow and I can’t miss the opportunity to give a shout out to BRMCWC.
Last Friday, I didn’t blog about my Friday Fave. I lived it! Piper was with me for most of the day. Need I say more? As you can see from above, she’s already becoming quite the little artist. I love watching her in action.
This picture was taken at last year’s conference. Yes, we have a lot of fun (for anyone heading to BRMCWC be sure to join us in the lobby at Mt. Laurel in the evening) but we arrive ready for both the battle and the blessings.
Someone shared this week how we are not called to be successful. We are called to be faithful.
To God be the glory!
I'd just like to say I CAN'T WAIT!
And may I add WHEEEE?
See you ladies soon! Love you!
I must say, I wish I was there with you all! 😉
Maybe someday — WA is so far and while I know I don't have $ on my trees, God does. 😉
God bless your conference and time with each other and with Him. May He renew your heart and passions for Him this week.
Love you all, Hester