Christmas afternoon wrapped itself in a crisp white blanket of snow and quickly became the gift that kept on giving throughout today as we were able to:
- Catch Andy Stanley’s New Year’s message from 2009. My favorite quote: “It is always a mistake to decide what you want to do before deciding who you want to be. “
- Enjoy a movie marathon.
- Stay toasty by a blazing set of gas logs (the perfect backdrop for reading my new book by Sage Cohen, “Writing the Life Poetic”).
I don’t remember the last snow that fell on Christmas Day as I was only a year old (1963), but rest assured, Christmas 2010 will go down in my history book as one of the best Christmases ever.
Beautiful picture, Cathy. Did you take it?
And I've decided if I'm going to have back trouble, it's good to have it when there's snow on the ground and I'm warm inside. 🙂