
This became especially evident to me while putting the finishing touches on my first submission for the Chicken Soup series. Why?

  • During today’s Upstate Fellowship of Christian Writer’s group, I received beneficial feedback that moved me one step closer to the “submit” button.
  • Prior to today’s larger group meeting, my “Four Corners” group had already critiqued it… at least twice.
  • After today’s meeting, two of my Corners critiqued it again and one called to share a new title idea that was spot on.

Regardless if Chicken Soup accepts my submission or not, I’m blessed simply because of the phenomenal people God has placed around me. As a result…

I hit the “submit” button!

Do you have a group cheering you on? If not, have you considered starting one? There’s no better way to be encouraged than to become an encourager ourselves.

-photo courtesy of writeforyourlife.net

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