
One week ago, my doctor instructed me to double my water intake. Imagine the insights harvested from this experience! (Just typing the word harvested makes it feel more like Fall but I digress.)

I’ve narrowed them down to three:

1. I needed a nudge. I like water—but doubling up? Not so much. Immersing myself in the water of the Word also requires a nudge at times. Discipline is required for everything of value.

2. What I thought was hunger was actually thirst. When I fill my mind with the water of God’s Word, my body hungers less for the empty things of this world.

3. The water must be convenient. Filled bottles await me every morning, afternoon and night. No excuses. Specific verses that refresh my soul are recorded in a mini-notebook and at home in my purse. Soon, they’ll be at home in my heart.

…to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word.
Ephesians 5:26

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