It’s a Masterpiece. Downton Abbey, that is.
The one year wait for Season 2 to begin seemed to never end, and now it comes to a close this Sunday night. Sniff, sniff.
One character I particularly enjoy is Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham, played by Maggie Smith. This matriarch leads her family with a stern, but loving kind of dignity that when mixed with a tad of meddling and a quick wit, cannot help but remind me of Ma-Ma, my dad’s mother. How could I not love this character? Perhaps this is why I’ll miss it so.
Farewell for now, Downton Abbey, my Friday Fave.
I've never seen it! So many of my friends are talking about it…do you know if they have the episodes on DVD?
Ah! But not for long. I read an article saying they are working on Season 3 right now and it will air in Sept. And! There's to be a Season 4 (I think). Wouldn't you love to be able to write a popular story line like DA? Maggie Smith is a phenomenal actress.
Yes! They have Season 1 at Target for 19.99. Enjoy!
Ah, a fellow Downton fan! Thanks for the update, Marilyn. And oh yes, I would! 🙂
I didn't watch it last year. Mistake. But then again, I watched Season 1 with my daughter this past Dec. and loved it. I loved season 2 as well…and the ending!!!! woo hoo!!