

Dad and Piper playing at the beach

3 Favorite Life Lessons — Thanks to My Dad:

Be a Giver, Not a Taker
Dropping off a bag of groceries, instructing the boys in golf, or taking time out of a busy schedule to complete “A Father’s Legacy” book are just a few examples of why my dad is one of the most generous people I know. For him, giving comes as natural as his next breath. His parents were two of the most giving people in their community so it comes as no surprise that their legacy continues through dad.

Watch for Ways to Serve Others
My dad has an innate sense when it comes to seeing the needs of others. On most Saturday mornings you could catch him quietly delivering goodies on the doorstep of elderly neighbors or delivering firewood to those nearby. By example, he continues to show me the meaning of true joy: Serving others instead of expecting to be served by others.

Have Fun
Growing up, we spent many a weekend up in the mountains in a little wooden cabin perched high above ground, peering over a lake fed by crystal-like springs. There, dad taught me how to bait my own hook and reel in the brim for an evening fish fry. Back home, we’d play hide-n-seek the minute dusk created shadows. Dad knew how to have fun and he always invited us to come along for the unforgettable ride. 

The list could continue for days but the above lessons give you a sneak peek into why I have reason to celebrate this Father’s Day…and every day. 

Happy Father’s Day, Dad!

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