With 50 just around the corner, every moment becomes increasingly meaningful, and two such moments gave me pause for praise this week:
Piper’s first steps in our home (15 sec)
A stack of birthday cards from the Tuesday night Community Group presented to me last night at the end of our six-week study. I plan to wait and open them on Sunday as I can’t imagine a better way to celebrate one’s birthday. Thank you, friends!
Love your faves today, especially the video. What a precious gift from the Lord. Happy birthday, sweet friend!
I can't believe you will be 50! You look 40. Seriously. Regardless, it's just a number and what matters is how you feel inside. Enjoy my friend!
Thank you, Vonda! Oh, by far, having Piper here and Judah on the way are the best gifts ever for this Grammy. 🙂
You're sweet, Deb. I'm trying to remember the "it's just a number" truth — but then again, my memory isn't so great these days. ha!
Sounds perfect!