
The Right to Write by Julia Cameron has been my constant companion over the past few months. It’s a perfect fit for my purse while waiting for friends or appointments. Practically every page is dog-eared, underlined, or asterisked. Several weeks ago, I shared this post on Morning Pages as a result.

Today, I’m sharing a tool called Evening Notes. After all, not every one is a morning person, right? 

It goes something like this: Ten minutes before you fall asleep, jot down a few simple sentences about your day. Julia uses this as her example: 

“Today was productive but uphill. I seemed to be fighting a depression but I took good actions anyhow. I’m really stewing over my friendship with Michael. I wonder what better can be done on the project at work…”

From these sentences, extract a single question to consider before falling asleep. Julia chose What can I do about the project at work? 

Simply pose the question and don’t worry about the answer. Thanks to our brilliantly and divinely designed minds (thank You, God) many of our answers begin to emerge at some point.

I’ve experienced similar circumstances when doing something “mindless” like walking, taking a shower, or taking my dog out for a potty break. Ideas and answers to questions long forgotten find their way to the surface when least expected. No doubt, a different part of the brain is at work here and it’s awe-inspiring when it happens.  

Julia Cameron encourages those who try this tool to be alert, to notice and tabulate small, positive changes or answers.

Practicing both Morning Pages and Evening Notes is optimal but on those mornings when even a third cup of liquid caffeine refuses to rally a creative bone, it’s nice to know we have an evening option. 

How about you? Are you a morning person? Do you tend to write more in the mornings or evenings? 

The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands (Psalm 19:1).

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