As I began sorting through clothes, paperwork, and yes, even books, I began asking myself one question:
“How will I FEEL the moment I see this item when unpacking it at the new house?”
Talk about changing one’s perspective! This one question Is freeing me both emotionally and physically. If I knew a particular item wouldn’t spark joy the moment I spotted it when unpacking in our new home, it was placed in one of three places: Goodwill, consignment, or trash. It was an immediate score. Woot Woot!
In the past, we’ve hauled the entire contents of one house to another, assuming we’d one day go through all the boxes. Not this time. We’re now going through everything before it’s packed away. Last week, I took two totes to consignment, five totes to Goodwill, and tossed 8 bags of trash. Oh, the freedom!
Courtesy of
Yes, the process of ridding ourselves of clothes that have worn out their welcome and tossing papers with scribbles from long ago is freeing, but it still boggles the mind as to how we got here.
At one point during last week’s mission it occurred to me that much of the clutter was due to procrastination on our part. It always seemed easier to find a spot for something, say, next week. Until then, any flat surface would do. Especially if it’s a book. Or a notebook. Or fountain pens. Okay, I digress. But you get the point.
During this frenzied season of decluttering and preparing for a move, I find that the one question I ask myself while deciding what to pack, or what to toss or share, brings rest to this old soul and a renewed determination to do things differently this time around.
So how do you go about the process of decluttering? Do you have a particular question or mantra that helps you stay focused?
I wish I had a formula for decluttering. My office definitely needs it. Throwing away things is a continual struggle for me. IT’s one of those things that never gets done because there’s never a deadline. Much easier to do it next week and next week never comes, of course.
So, I’m not alone in my love of deadlines! ha! Thanks for sharing, Ellen. 🙂