“O sweet September, thy first breezes bring
The dry leaf’s rustle and the squirrel’s laughter,
The cool fresh air whence health and vigor spring
And promise of exceeding joy hereafter.”
—George Arnold
Thinking of “cool fresh air” ushering its way into our days almost makes me giddy.
How about you? Are you sad to see summer go or energized by what lies ahead?
There's a part of me that's sad to see the summer go, mainly because Sarah has gone back to JMU. But the Hokie in me is THRILLED at the onset of fall. Bring on the cooler evenings!!
Ah, cooler evenings. I love the sound of that, Susan, but as a mom, I totally get your hesitation to see summer go.
Thanks for sharing!
I love thinking about Fall. The colors always awe me when I think of God's creativity.
Me too Ellen! We're blessed to live in an area that enjoys all the beautiful colors of Fall. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by!
I love the beautiful colors of fall. The smell of leaves burning in the late afternoon, hearing children giggle as they jumped into piles of leaves before "Dad" adds them to the fire. The fragrance of hotdogs and marshmallows roasting in celebration of a leafless lawn with the anticipation of winter; looking forward to Thanksgiving, Christmas and snow!
Oh Kathy, your words stir up wonderful memories! Now I'm especially excited about the upcoming season. 🙂
Thanks so much for sharing!