
Growing up, my dad often helped others anonymously, especially elderly people living nearby. My favorite excursion involved waking up at the break of dawn and dropping off an anonymous gift (fruit, firewood, or another need) on a porch step before the recipient awakened. 

Let’s take that basic idea and kick it up one glorious notch. A few ideas to get the creative juices flowing:

  • Cookies, banana bread, healthy treats, fruit, etc. If time is limited, pick up something. After all, our focus is not on what we give, but rather, Who. Simply attach a note to the gift bag: Taste and see that the Lord is good. Psalm 34:8 
  • Muffins or a loaf of bread. Or maybe a mini-loaf with canister of tea? A possible tag option: I am the Bread of life. Your strength. John 6:35
  • A beautiful candle for those who are hurting this year. Consider going with a mild scent, such as vanilla, for those with allergies. Attach a card: John 1:5 – I’m the Light in your darkness. 

Other ideas: Top 25 Food Gifts

One more! Today is National Poinsettia Day. No doubt one of these would certainly brighten anyone’s back porch. 🙂

Do you have a favorite anonymous gift-giving idea? I’d love to hear it!


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