
by Cathy Baker

{ Day 27 }

“Give back to the Lord the desires and gifts He has given you and then trust Him to use them when and how He chooses.” 
– Priscilla Shirer

In Judges 6:19-20 four vital steps in giving our gifts to God is discovered, as shared in Priscilla’s study Gideon: Your weakness. God’s STRENGTH:

1. Prepare it.
2. Present it.
3. Put it down.
4. Pour it out. 

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. 1 Cor.

She shares how many Christians don’t want to do the hard work required for the preparation process. 

Perhaps some don’t expect to have to hone their God-given gift(s) but like muscles in training, our gifts grow stronger and sharper with practice.

Here are some ways I’m learning to hone my spiritual gifts. I’d love to hear your ideas, as well: 

  • A diligent [not perfect] prayer life, realizing no matter what I do, say, or write will be divinely effective without God’s wisdom, discernment, and power. 
  • Diving in to God’s Word—refusing to be satisfied with surface level knowledge by meditating on passages, reading background information, and learning some of the original language (now available to all of us non-scholarly followers thanks to the web!) Plunging headfirst, regardless of our gift, will collect spiritual treasure troves of truth that are sure to benefit us (and others) for an eternity.
  • Surrounding myself with people who shared the same or similar gifts. Obviously, we want to spend time with a variety of people, but there’s a synergy to be reckoned with when like-minded people join forces for God’s glory.
  • The first 18 years of my journey were spent honing my teaching skills. For the past 5 years, my focus has primarily shifted to writing, although I still love to teach. If I’m convinced writing is where God wants me right now then I must be willing to pour in as much time and energy into it as I did for teaching. Each gift requires something different, but they all must be practiced.
  • Anticipate opportunities. Where God guides, He provides. Watching, listening, and anticipating ways to use our spiritual gifts doesn’t come natural. It requires living intentionally. I know of few things more exciting than watching God at work in the lives of mere human beings, such as ourselves.

“You cannot expect God to use what you have not taken time to prepare. Dedicating the time to hone your gift will help you be ready when He opens the opportunities before you.” -Priscilla Shirer

Your turn! How are you honing your gift(s) so that you’ll be ready when opportunities arise? 

Staying in Step with the Spirit: Preparing, presenting, putting it down, and pouring it out. When we’re honing our gifts and pouring them out, we are following the Spirit so closely we could give Him a flat tire if He wore shoes. Yes,that close! 

Heavenly Father, help us to freely return those desires and gifts which You have placed in our hearts. May our fingers spread open wide allowing everything You’ve given us to be released for Your glory alone. Protect us from self-abasement when we feel we’re not “good enough” to use our spiritual gifts (truth is, we’re not, but You are) as well as from pride when results become our primary focus, our god. 

#Write31Days past posts:

{ Day 1 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Our Senses
{ Day 2 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Less Clutter 
{ Day 3 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Healthy Relationships 
{ Day 4 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via God’s Creation
{ Sunday }
{ Day 6 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Specific Prayer 
{ Day 7 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs
{ Day 8 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Soul Search (with guest Ginger Harrington)
{ Day 9 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Vulnerability 
{ Day 10 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via God’s Creation, Wk. 2
{ Day 11 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Moonlit Sunroof
{ Sunday }
{ Day 13 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Wild Goose Chase

{ Day 15 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Paper Bookmark
{ Day 16 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Fresh Start
{ Day 17 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Spontaneous Service
{ Day 18 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via God’s Creation, Wk. 3
{ Sunday } 
{ Day 20 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Mini-Getaway
{ Day 21 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via Piped Icing
{ Day 22 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Knock at the Door{ Day 23 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via The Book
{ Day 24 } Staying in Step with the Spirit Via A Breath of Prayer

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